July 12, 2023
Dear Interprofessional Partners and Community;
We are thrilled to announce that the Yakima Valley Interprofessional Practice & Education Collaborative (YVIPEC) is now the Northwest Interprofessional Health Collaborative (NIHC)!
Our new and improved name and logo better reflect our mission to promote high-quality, collaborative healthcare and interprofessional education throughout all Central, WA.
We invite you to learn more about the NIHC on our revamped website and to connect with us on our new social media pages:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/northwest-interprofessional-health-collaborative-nihc/
PNWU Website: https://www.pnwu.edu/academics/ipe/
The NIHC is offering its IPE curriculum for learners from any health profession beginning in August 2023. The curriculum includes foundational lessons, simulation, and opportunities to practice and apply IPE knowledge and skills through service.
Please contact us at ipe@pnwu.edu to learn more about our program and how to participate in our IPE curriculum!
Collaboratively Yours,
The NIHC Team