Clinical Psychologist
Bridget Beachy, PsyD, Behavioral Health Consultant
Karen Trujillo, Psy.D., Mental Health Specialist
Doctor of Psychology
Diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders. Psychologists:
- Remain cognizant of their ethical and legal obligations as members of a distinct and autonomousprofession.
- Seek to understand the internally and externally imposed expectations and requirements of the systemswithin which they practice.
- Are prepared to clarify their distinct roles and services and how these relate to those of other health care professionals.
- Are encouraged to seek appropriate staff appointments and clinical privileges within health care delivery system.
- Strive to be involved in the development of institutional policies regarding professional scope of practice and participation in service delivery.
- Are encouraged to function in multidisciplinary positions with diverse roles and responsibilities.
- Are encouraged to promote the optimal delivery of their services through effective and timely communication with other health care professionals.
- Strive to provide collaborative services in the broadest range of health care settings, and to apply their expertise to the full spectrum of health issues.
- Those involved in practice within health care delivery systems strive to gain and maintain appropriately specialized competence.
- Are encouraged to offer their special expertise in the administration and management of both psychological and other professional practice within health care delivery systems.