COM Faculty

43 results found.
Nancy Balash
Nancy Balash DPT
Assistant Professor Anatomy
Mark Baldwin
Baldwin D.O., FACOI, FASN, Mark
Chair of Internal Medicine
Ruth Bishop
Ruth Bishop DO MPH
Assistant Professor Family Medicine
Albert Brady
Albert Brady MD
Chair of Clinical Medicine/Professor of Internal Medicine
Kathaleen Briggs-Early
Kathaleen Briggs Early PhD RDN CDE
Professor of Nutrition
Debra Callahan MD
Associate Professor of Pathology
Petr Cigner MBBS
Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
Clark DMSc, MPH, PA-C, Holly H.M.
Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
Jessica DiNizio
Jessica Di Nizio DO
Assistant Professor of OPP
Joseph DiMeo
Joseph DiMeo DO
Chair of Family Medicine/OPP
William Elliott
William Elliott MD PhD
Chair of Biomedical Sciences
Kevin Foley
Kevin Foley MD
Assistant Professor Family Medicine
Christian Heck PhD
Assistant Professor of Anatomy
Katheryn Hudon DO FAAP FACOP
Division Chief of Pediatrics
David Johnson
David Johnson DO
Assistant Professor Osteopathic Principles & Pract
Wade Justice
Wade Justice MD
Assistant Professor Clinical Medicine
Katheryn Lauer
Katheryn Lauer MD
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
Eric Lee
Eric Lee PhD
Assistant Professor Biomedical Sciences
Stephen Litchfield
Stephen Litchfield DO
Assistant Professor of OPP
Janelle Mapes
Janelle Mapes PhD
Associate Professor of Anatomy
Crystal Martin
Crystal Martin DO
Assistant Professor Osteopathic Principles & Pract
Charles Martin
Charles Martin PT DPT
Assistant Professor of Anatomy/Associated Faculty for the School of Physical Therapy
Elizabeth McMurtry
Elizabeth McMurtry DO FACEP
Associate Dean for Clinical Education
Nina Ngo DO
Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
Jeffrey Novack
Jeffrey Novack PhD
Professor of Biomedical Sciences
Emily Oestreich
Emily Oestreich PhD
Associate Dean for Preclinical Education
Julie Randolph-Habecker
Julie Randolph-Habecker PhD
Chief of Pathology & Professor of Pathology
Diana Rhodes
Diana Rhodes DVM PhD
Professor of Anatomy and COM Professor Emeritus
Katina Rue DO
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
Michael Scott
Professor Clinical Medicine/Chief of Dermatology
Dan Selski
Dan Selski PhD
Associate Professor of Anatomy
Lisa Siino DO
Assistant Professor for OPP
Robert Sorrells
Robert Sorrells PhD
Manager-ODEI Data Reporting and Analysis, Professor Emeritus
Brooke Steadman DO
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
Stephas, DHSC, PA-C, Anthony
Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
Kimberly Taylor
Kimberly Taylor PhD
Chief of Microbiology
Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor PhD
Chief / Professor of Cellular Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine, and Director of MAMS Program
Claire Templin DO FACOOG
Division Chief of OBGYN-Assistant Professor
Joel Thome
Joel Thome PharmD BCACP
Associate Professor – Heritage University
Kristy Trickett
Kristi Trickett DO
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
Ron Walser
Ronald Walser DPT
Chair of Anatomy
Natalie Yoshioka PhD
Assistant Professor of Anatomy
Kaelin Young PhD
Division Chief of Physiology