Staff and Admin Evaluation Policy

Responsible Unit: Human Resources | Executive lead: President 
Created: 08/03/2023 | Reviewed/Revised: N/A | Effective: 12/18/2023 
Compliance: NWCCU 2.F.1, 2.F.3, 2.F.4 
Approving Body: PAC| Classification: Institution-wide 

PNWU encourages administrators/staff and supervisors to discuss job performance and goals on an 
informal, day-to-day basis. In addition, each employee 0.2 FTE and above will have formal performance evaluations with the assigned supervisor to discuss work and goals, to identify and correct weaknesses, and 
to encourage and recognize strengths. 
Performance evaluations are conducted at the completion of the 90-day probationary 
period and annually thereafter through a performance management tool. Performance evaluations should be based on the employee’s performance of the essential functions listed in the employee’s job description as well as timely completion of all assigned mandatory training. When an employee’s overall performance rating is below “meets expectations”, it is recommended that the supervisor work with the employee to develop a performance improvement plan (PIP).  

Job Descriptions: All positions have a job description that outlines the essential functions, scope of responsibility, skills, knowledge, abilities, education, experience, and certification requirements. View job descriptions (login required). 

Mandatory Training: Employees who are required to have a license, certification, training, or education as part of their position will be expected to maintain such requirements. Failure to renew may result in suspension of duties until they are completed. Mandatory training, such as Title IX, FERPA, Bloodborne Pathogens, Hazard Communication, HIPAA, and Data Security, are provided by Human Resources. Human Resources schedules and monitors mandatory employment training. 


Related Documents: 
PNWU Employee Reference Guide (Page 12) 
Employee Ninety-Day Probation Policy