Faculty & Staff Directory

Vicky Koch BA

Executive Assistant to the Dean

Vicky Koch

Vicky is responsible for administrative duties necessary to run the COM efficiently. Vicky serves as an information manager for the school, including scheduling meetings, appointments, supporting the Executive Committee and Dean’s Council. Vicky can assist you if you need to communicate or make an appointment with the Dean.

 Degrees and institutions Edinboro University, BA Communications
Primary roles at PNWU Executive Assistant to the PNWU-COM Dean
Support Dean’s Council & COM Executive Committee
Promote smooth running of the COM – “Go To” person
Coordination of the COM White Coat Ceremony
Coordination of Accreditation and Strategic Planning for the COM
Technological and other expertise Outlook
M/S Programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
Community service Leslie Loudon Memorial Hospital Guild
Other Golfing