Advertising and Promotional Items Policy

Responsible Unit: Communications and Marketing | Executive lead: Chief Development Office
Created: 1/9/2018 | Reviewed/Revised: 1/9/2024 | Effective: 1/9/2024 
Compliance: NWCCU 2.D.1, IRS Revenue Procedure 75-50 Sec.4.02 and 2019-22, Title 34 C.F.R. 668.71 (b) and (c), 34 C.F.R. 668.75 (a), WAC 250-61-115  
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide  

All University advertising shall be coordinated with the Office of Communications and Marketing. This includes all forms of paid and free advertising including, but not limited to, print (newspaper, magazine, etc.), broadcast (radio and television), web, billboards, direct mail, movie theatre screens, social media platforms and signage. No advertising commitment shall be executed without consultation with Communications and Marketing. 

All proposed uses of the Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences’ (PNWU’s) name, seal, or logo (including the name, seal, or logo of PNWU colleges or programs) in advertising by outside companies shall be coordinated with and approved by the office of Communications and Marketing. 

Promotional items imprinted with the name, seal, or logo of the University or its colleges or programs must first be approved by Communications and Marketing. Promotional items bearing the university’s name shall be manufactured by a vendor approved by Communications and Marketing.   

All public-facing brochures, catalogues, and other written or digital communications related to student admissions, programs, and/or sscholarship announcements require: 

  1. A statement of: 
    • the University’s nondiscriminatory policy (Federal Requirement 34 CFR 668.71 (b) (c); 34CFR 668.75 (a), and 
    • programmatic accreditation status, when applicable (often required when a program is in candidacy or initial accreditation status). 
  2. A thorough review prior to publication to: 
    • ensure accuracy of the statements/information within the materials (per WAC 250-61-115), and  
    • ensure required accreditation statements (as listed above) are included. 
  3. Program-specific marketing materials are reviewed and approved in draft form by the program dean/director before printing.Copies of all published materials (catalogs, brochures, announcements, and other written communications) to the public dealing with student admissions, programs, and scholarships to be maintained (IRS Revenue Procedure 75-50 and 2019-22. 

False, erroneous, or misleading statements about PNWU, the nature of the University’s educational programs, its financial charges, or the employability of its graduates are strictly prohibited. This applies to PNWU employees and those contracted to provide marketing, advertising, recruiting, or admissions services. 

The use of official United States military logo in PNWU advertising or promotional materials is prohibited. 

A misleading statement includes any statement that has the likelihood or tendency to deceive. 

A statement is any communication made in writing, visually, orally, electronically, or through other means. 

Advertising or promotion in conjunction with an event, use: 
PNWU Event Request Form 
Student Event Request and Summary Form 
Advertising or promotion not in conjunction with an event, complete: Marketing Request Form 

Related Documents: 
IRS Schedule E (Form 990 or 990-EZ Schools) 
WAC 250-61-115’ 
Marketing Request Form