CME Social Events at CME Activities Policy

Responsible Unit: Office of the Provost | Executive lead: Provost 
Created: 3/9/2015 | Reviewed/Revised: N/A | Effective: 3/9/2015 
Compliance: N/A 
Approving Body: BOD | Classification: Institution-Wide 

This policy exists to provide guidance and support for staff, faculty and joint/co-sponsors of CME accredited activities to enable strict adherence to the guidelines set by the AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA). 

It shall be the policy of the Continuing Medical Education Department of PNWU to adhere to the guidelines set by the Ethical Guidelines of the American Medical Association’s Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs concerning the acceptance of gifts to physicians from commercial supporters. In addition, approved social events at CME activities will comply with PNWU’s policies on Gift Acceptance and Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Device Industry Relationships. 



  1. In general, social events at CME activities should be limited to meal functions and receptions associated with CME activities.
  2. Meal functions should be modest in nature and appropriate for the education setting in which the function takes place.
  3. Certain other social activates may be considered, if they meet the following criteria:
    1. The purpose of the social event is to enhance the overall success of the educational activity, and to increase the depth of interaction among the attendees and faculty;
    2. The per person cost of the social event cannot exceed $100.00;
    3. The time devoted to the social event must be considerably smaller than the main education activity (as a general guideline, it should be less than 50% of the time associated with the educational activity);
    4. The social event must not be lavish;
  4. The social event must be structured to promote interaction among the attendees and faculty.
  5. Social events, including meal functions, that are offered to the spouse of an attendee and which are paid for with commercial support grant money are considered a gift to the physician and are therefore subject to the rules under the AMA Gifts to Physicians.  Consequently, PNWU’s CME Program will not use funds originating from the commercial supporter for social events that are not in conformance with the Policy on Social Events at CME Activities and ACCME Standards for Commercial Support.  In addition, commercial support funds may not be used to defray costs of any kind for guests who attend social functions with the primary registrant.
  6. Discussion of all social events in educational activity brochures and other promotional materials must not take precedence over the discussion of the education content of the program, and the CME Director must approve language used for the purpose in writing.
  7. CME activity managers/coordinators must utilize a Social Events Checklist when considering the inclusion of a social event at a CME activity.
  8. Social events should be discussed with the CME Director and approval to include a social event should be determined by the PNWU CME Committee. Written documentation of the CME Committee’s decision should be included in the activity file.
  9. If the proposed social event makes staff and faculty feel uncomfortable, then it should be considered suspect. If the proposed social event has the appearance of impropriety, then is should not be held.
  • Social Events Checklist
  • Policy: CME Program – Commercial Support (in development)
  • Policy: Gift Acceptance
  • Code of Medical Ethics, American Medical Association’s Council on Judicial Affairs
  • Policy: Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Device Industry Relationships

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