Multiple meetings are held by founders to formulate a plan to develop a health sciences university.
PNWU is founded as a 501(c)(3) corporation

Acquiring Land
$7.2 million of land is donated to the University.
The Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board authorizes PNWU to offer the DO degree (doctor of osteopathic medicine).

Ground-breaking ceremonies are held for the construction of the first academic building on the PNWU campus, later to be named Butler-Haney Hall.
Provisional Accreditation
American Osteopathic Association, Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (AOA COCA) awards PNWU provisional accreditation. The recruitment of students begins.
Class Confirmed
The 75th student for the inaugural class is confirmed.

College Dedication
The dedication of the first college, College of Osteopathic Medicine, occurs.

PNWU hosts a groundbreaking ceremony for the Cadwell Student Center.
$1m Donation for BHH Phase II
Osteopathic Foundation of Central Washington donates $1m for the BHH Phase II expansion project.
Accreditation of the COM awarded by the AOA COCA
Alumni Meeting
The first alumni meeting is held.

First Commencement
The inaugural class of COM students graduates.
Class Size Increase
AOA COCA grants request for COM class size increase from 70 to 135 students.

Butler-Haney Hall Phase II
Phase II of BHH is completed
Increased Class Size
Increased the COM class size matriculates from 70 to 135 students.
Growing Campus
Additional acreage purchased bringing the campus to 66 acres.

University Conference Center
The University Conference Center opens as PNWU’s third building.

Iron Horse Lodge
PNWU purchases Iron Horse Lodge.
Additional Accreditation
PNWU receives NWCCU accreditation two years ahead of schedule, opening the door for additional PNWU Health Sciences programs.

Project NEXT
PNWU celebrates its newest building – a 35k sq. ft. space fit for innovative growth – with the Project NEXT Community Campfire.

Watson Hall Dedication
Project NEXT becomes Watson Hall at the Watson Hall building dedication.

Additional Program
PNWU earns accreditation to add a Master of Arts in Medical Sciences (MAMS) program to a blossoming Yakima campus. “With MAMS, PNWU is able to help more learners from more communities realize their dreams of becoming health care professionals,” explained Dr. Michael Lawler, president of PNWU.

MAMS Program Starts
PNWU’s inaugural Master of Arts in Medical Sciences (MAMS) class begin their studies on the grassroot university’s burgeoning health sciences campus. The one-year master’s degree program educates approximately 40 students each year under the university’s mission of improving healthcare access in rural and medically underserved communities throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Developing School of Dental Medicine
PNWU hires Dr. Fotinos Panagakos as the Founding Dean of its developing School of Dental Medicine (SDM). As he signs on to lead the health sciences university’s latest mission-focused program, Dr. Panagakos aims to establish a school capable of improving oral health outcomes for patients in rural and medically underserved communities throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Care Elevated
PNWU hosts “Care Elevated,” celebrating the imminent rise of PNWU’s Student Learning Collaborative (SLC) building: an 80,000-square-foot campus hub designed to maximize the interprofessional potential available on our flourishing health sciences campus while providing facilities for the university’s next health sciences program: Occupational Therapy.

School of Occupational Therapy
PNWU begins accepting applications to enroll in its inaugural School Occupational Therapy (SOT) class, which is slated to begin in August 2023. PNWU’s SOT will offer both an entry-level Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (MSOT) degree and a post-professional Occupational Therapy Doctorate (PPOTD) degree. Approximately 40 students will be selected for the program, which has been designed to attract a diverse group of students who have a desire to help others live life to its fullest.

DPT White Coat Ceremony
The first ever PNWU Doctor of Physical Therapy White Coat Ceremony takes place at Yakima’s Seasons Performance Hall. The ceremony recognized PNWU’s inaugural class of 34 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) students, who began their studies at PNWU later that month.

Completion of MultiCare Learning Center
The University’s largest building to date, MLC will maximize the powerful collaborative learning potential of PNWU’s health sciences campus.
Equipped with expansive medical simulation facilities, active learning classrooms, state-of-the-art equipment, enhanced study and meeting spaces, sustainable building technology and more, the 80,000-square-foot MLC will serve as a hub for PNWU’s dynamic collection of health sciences programs.

Groundbreaking of Delta Dental Equity Hall
A $12 million grant from Delta Dental of Washington enables PNWU to be the first dental school in the nation in which students will have three years of full-time immersive training at Federally Qualified Health Centers.

Ribbon Cutting of Delta Dental Equity Hall
A distinguished group of nearly 200 people gathered on campus to celebrate this important addition to the university, emphasizing how our School of Dental Medicine will use the stunning new space to advance dental education and community health.