Kaelin Young, PhD

Professor and Division Chief of Physiology​

School/College: Osteopathic Medicine
Email: kyoung@pnwu.edu


  • Skeletal muscle ​
  • Bone 
  • Exercise​
  • Sport Nutrition 
  • Body Composition​

Areas of Expertise:

  • Musculoskeletal Health and Performance​
  • Skeletal muscle and bone physiology​
  • Sport Nutrition​
  • Resistance exercise ​

Methodological Expertise:

  • Medical imaging, segmentation, and analysis ​
  • Intervention Design​
  • ELISA/RIA’s ​
  • Human performance testing

Current Projects:

  • Peripheral quantitative computed tomography imaging: validation for tracking changes in skeletal muscle size​
  • Validation of a Point of Care Ultrasound Assessment Tool for training first and second year medical students​
