Policy Library

Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences retains the right to amend or change any policy or procedure as described in the approved policy and established procedure (see policy resources to the right). Policies and procedures are not to be construed as an employment agreement or contract.

Operational Policies

Access to Campus Facilities Policy
Advertising and Promotional Items Policy
Advising the Campus Community About Sex Offenders Policy
Animals on Campus Policy
Arbitration and Mediation Policy
Art on Campus Policy
Asset Management Policy
Campus Closure Policy
Code of Conduct
Campus Law Enforcement Authority Policy
Committee Establishment and Management Policy
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Disclosure of Crime Statistics Policy
Disclosure to Alleged Victims of Crimes of Violence or Non-Forcible Sex Offenses by Student(s)
Establishing, Changing, or Closing an Academic Program Policy
Establishing and Creating University Policies and Procedures Policy
Firearms and Dangerous Weapons on Campus Policy
Handling, Transportation, and Communication Related to Hazardous Waste Policy
Image Use Policy
Library: Access and Materials Circulation Policy
Library: Cataloging and Classification of Library Resources Policy
Library: Collection Development Policy
Library: Interlibrary Loans Policy
Library: Donations Policy
Library: Needs Assessment Policy
Library: Reference and Library Research Services
Library: Retention and Disposal of Library Materials Policy
Mail and Packages Policy
Naming of University Properties, Facilities, Academic, and Non-Academic Programs Policy
Official Photograph Policy
Parking Policy
Personal Property Policy
Political Activity and Lobbying Policy
Property and Equipment Management Policy
Reporting Criminal Offenses and Suspicious Activity Policy
Reporting Suspected Wrongful Conduct Policy
Room Scheduling Policy
Security Awareness/Crime Prevention Programs for Students and Employees Policy
Strategic Planning Policy
Timely Warning and Emergency Notification Policy