Academic Calendar Policy

Responsible Unit: Enrollment Services | Executive lead: Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost 
Created: 3/6/2018 | Reviewed/Revised: 12/15/2022, 11/13/2023 | Effective: 11/13/2023
Compliance: PNWU Bylaws, CFR 34 668.3(a), 668.3(b), 668.22(f)(i)(6), CODA 2-3, ACOTE A.5.3, CAPTE 6B, 6M 
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide 

Every academic program will have a defined academic year. The academic year is defined in weeks of instructional time. Every academic program will have a defined academic year of at least 30 weeks of instructional time. The number of weeks of instructional time is based on the period that begins on the first day of classes in the academic year and ends on the last day of classes or examinations. 

The University academic calendar is comprised of two 18-week terms and one 12- week summer term. Credits are measured in semester credit-hours, and full-time is 12 semester credits. Semester length for academic programs may vary. Each program academic calendar will designate orientation dates; start, mid, and end of term dates; withdrawal deadlines; holidays; breaks; grade due dates; and commencement. Each program academic calendar is published for the current year and the next year. 

The faculty of each college, school, or academic program establish the academic year for the academic program in accordance with US Department of Education requirements and within the University calendar established by the registrar and the president. Academic programs are responsible for reporting the academic year to the University for publication, academic records, and financial aid eligibility processing. 


  • Academic year is one component used in determining student’s eligibility for Title IV aid. 
  • A week of instructional time is any period of seven consecutive days in which there is at least one day of regularly scheduled instruction or examination. 
  • Instructional time does not include periods of orientation, counseling, homework, vacation, or other activity not related to class preparation or examination. 
  • Programs with classes which begin and/or end a total of more than two weeks before or after the start of a standard term is considered a nonstandard term program for Title IV aid purposes. 
  • Clinical work conducted outside the classroom that is required for graduates to apply for licensure or authorization or practice occupations those students intend to pursue, and the school has little or no control over the length or start/end dates, and credit hours associated are associated with the term in which most of the training occurs, even if starting and ending dates do not exactly align with term dates and/or overlap with other terms are not required to be considered nonstandard term. This flexibility is limited to required clinical periods associated with standard term healthcare professional programs. 


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For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis