Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Responsible Unit: Human Resources | Executive lead: CHRO 
Created: 2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 2/16/2023 | Effective: 2/16/2023 
Compliance: NWCCU 2.F.1 
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide 

PNWU employees are to report for work on time and as scheduled. If an employee is unable to begin work at their assigned shift for any reason, the employee must notify his/her supervisor as soon as possible, and should make every effort to do so before the start of the employee’s shift.  

An employee with a poor attendance record or excessive lateness may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. 

For purposes of time clock rounding, PNWU recognizes a seven-minute rounding rule. Regardless of the rounded time, an employee is considered late when he/she is not available and working at the start time of their scheduled shift. 

An employee absent from work who fails to contact his/her supervisor or designee for three (3) consecutive work days will be considered as having abandoned his/her position and will be terminated. Chronic absenteeism or lateness will result in disciplinary action or dismissal. 



Related documents: 

Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis