Responsible Unit: Security | Executive lead: CIO
Created: 2013 | Revised: 10/2015, 2/2016, 11/2022 | Effective: 11/1/2022
Compliance: 34 CFR Section 668.46(b)(12), Clery Act, NWCCU 2.I.1, COCA 4.2, CAPTE 3E, CAPTE 5C
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide
In the event inclement weather or an emergency situation presents a risk to PNWU faculty, staff, students, visitors, and/or facilities, the president or designee will determine the appropriate campus response. Closing of the campus will differ depending on the timing of the decision to close and the expected length and severity of the weather or emergency situation. The essential factor in the decision is the safety of the PNWU faculty, staff, students, visitors, and facilities.
Employees scheduled to work (not on vacation or on any other type of leave) on-campus will check with their supervisor to receive remote work assignments and will receive regular pay for their scheduled hours that day. Employees who work off-campus through telework agreements or work remotely are expected to perform their job duties as regularly scheduled.
Essential employees who are required to physically report to campus to ensure all critical systems are functioning and safe will report to campus. In the event of a delayed start, all essential employees will physically report to campus when instructed to do so as necessary and will accrue overtime in standard fashion. Non-essential employees who are scheduled to work on-campus will receive regular pay for their scheduled hours that would have otherwise been worked. Employees should be prepared to work from home whenever required.
The Inclement Weather Planning Team, as outlined in the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), will assess the need for campus closure. Only the president or their designee may authorize the closure of campus, or segment of campus. In the event of a campus closure, The PNWU community will be notified via the Emergency Notification System as outlined in the EOP.
Essential Employee: Essential employees perform duties that are important to maintaining critical infrastructure during a state of emergency.
Nonessential Employee: A nonessential employee’s job does not support the critical infrastructure required to maintain public health and safety.
Emergency Operations Plan
Related Documents:
Emergency Operations Plan
Policy Resources
- Establishing and Creating University Policies and Procedures (Policy)
- Policy Template (password protected)
- Procedure Resources (password protected)
- PNWU Alumni Association Bylaws
- COM Bylaws
- PNWU Bylaws
For assistance with policies and procedures contact:
Dee Dennis