COM Strategic Planning Policy

Responsible Unit: Accreditation or Strategic Planning | Executive lead: Dean, COM 
Created: 1/16/2018 | Reviewed/Revised: 01/2024 | Effective: 1/19/2024
Compliance: COCA 1.2, COCA 4.3, COCA 8.1 
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Local: COM 

The dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine (COM) shall ensure that the strategic planning process occurs on a regular basis and provides for review and revision by COM faculty and students. It is also the responsibility of the COM dean to ensure the COM strategic plan aligns with the priorities of the University strategic plan and address all core aspects of the COM mission. The elaboration of specific tactics and objectives, relevant budgets, and evaluative measures may be assigned to members of the COM or University staff and faculty and are articulated through operational plans. 

The COM strategic plan and its operational plans are subject to approval by the PNWU Provost and president and made available to the appropriate constituencies. 
The COM dean shall ensure the regular and timely review of the COM’s performance relative to the COM strategic plan and shall make such reviews available to appropriate constituencies. 

Strategic plan—general guide that suggests strategies to be employed in pursuit of mission and/or vision through goals in longer terms (three to five years). It enables formulation of operational plans. Once developed, the strategic plan tends not to change significantly from year to year. Development is a shared responsibility and involves varied stakeholders. 

Operational plan—details specific activities and events to be undertaken and resources to be used in pursuit of the strategic plan goals and is developed on an annual basis. It may differ significantly from year to year and is produced primarily by those carrying out the operational plan. 

COM Strategic and Annual Planning 

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Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis