COM Student Conference Attendance Policy

Responsible Unit: Student Affairs | Executive lead: Dean, COM
Created: 5/2009 | Reviewed/Revised: 7/17/2018 | Effective: 7/17/2018 
Compliance: N/A 
Approving Body: PPC | Classification: Local: COM 

Student participation at conferences is limited to students in PNWU-COM leadership positions and those students who are presenters at approved conferences.  Student participation at conferences may be denied if the student is on academic alert, warning, or probation, or if the student has professional conduct violations.  First-year students’ eligibility to attend conferences will begin in spring semester. 

PNWU advocates attendance at State and National DO Day on the Hill for students in good standing. 

PNWU-COM leadership position is defined as any student who is a club officer. Club officers consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and National Liaison.  

A student in good standing is one who is meeting satisfactory academic progress requirements. 

Satisfactory academic progress, measured at the end of each academic year, occurs when the student is passing all required courses, completes 67 percent of their cumulative attempted credits, is on track to complete their degree within 150 percent of their four-year program, and has passed all required board exams. A student who is not making academic progress is not eligible for federal Title IV financial aid. 

PNWU Student Handbook – Conference Attendance and Advocacy Section

Related Documents:
Conference Attendance (student handbook)
Time Away Request
Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA)
Washington Osteopathic Medical Association (WOMA)