COM Student Regional Site Placement Policy

Responsible Unit: Student Affairs | Executive lead: Dean, COM 
Created: 5/2009 | Reviewed/Revised: 7/17/2018, 11/27/2023 | Effective: 11/27/2023 
Compliance: COCA 10.1 
Approving Body: PPC | Classification: Local: COM Students 

Pacific Northwest University COM third- and fourth-year curriculum delivery occurs through the regional sites located in a five-state target area of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.  

In the second year of the curriculum, students will be assigned to a regional site through the site selection process. Regional site placement procedures are designed to support the mission of PNWU-COM thus meeting the health care workforce needs of the rural and medically underserved in the Northwest. As such, students may be placed in regional sites that strengthen PNWU-COM’s mission rather than in areas of their preference. 

Students who do not comply with the policy, expectations, and procedures for regional site placement or misrepresent themselves and/or their situations to gain more favorable consideration may be subject to disciplinary action. 


PNWU Student Handbook – Regional Site Placement section 

Related Documents: 

Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis