Responsible Unit: Finance | Executive lead: Chief Financial Officer
Created: 1/2/2024 | Reviewed/Revised: 04/2024 | Effective: 05/2024
Approving Body: <PAC> | Classification: <Institution-wide>
Contracts that financially and legally obligate Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences (PNWU) require a unit/department and a designated contract official review before engaging in the statement of work. This includes amendments, addendums, renewals, and revisions to existing contracts. Contracts that create significant liability and/or legal risk may undergo an external legal and/or administrative review prior to being executed. Contracts that do not align or are in direct conflict with the mission of the University should not be entered into.
No member of the university community may sign or otherwise execute a contract that binds the university unless they have been delegated signature authority by the President as stated in this policy’s Appendix. Contracts signed by a PNWU employee without delegated signature authority may be deemed invalid.
Under the Conflict-of-Interest policy and the Ethical Conduct policy, individuals must disclose any known or possible conflict(s)-of-interest with a potential vendor to the Office of Compliance, Ethics and Integrity Services, (OCEIS). An employee who has known or possible conflict(s)-of-interest with a potential vendor shall not participate in the review, selection, or approval process of choosing a vendor.
Contracts between student clubs/SGA and outside individuals or entities such as food truck vendors, speakers, bands, or off-campus facilities, require approval from Student Affairs. Student Affairs is responsible for the preliminary review of such contracts. The University will not assume liability for contracts entered into by student clubs that do not comply with this policy.
To ensure compliance with IRS regulations and compliance with non-U.S. countries, PNWU must analyze a foreign national’s or vendor’s eligibility to work and conduct business in the United States. Staff will contact the Finance Department for guidance prior to pursuing the engagement of a foreign national or vendor for services.
This policy does not apply to employment contracts, academic affiliation agreements or clinical affiliation agreements. Academic affiliation and clinical agreements are maintained by each individual academic program. Employment contracts are maintained by Human Resources.
All other contracts are maintained jointly by the Finance Department and the designated contract coordinator. All fully executed contracts must be maintained for the period required by applicable law and university policy.
Authorized Signatories:
See Appendix
Conflict-of-Interest – A situation where financial or other personal or professional considerations have the potential to compromise an individual’s objectivity, professional judgment, professional integrity, and/or ability to perform his/her professional responsibilities to the University.
Contract – any agreement between two or more parties that creates a legally binding obligation to do or not to do a particular activity. Applies to any document that obligates the university, irrespective of the terminology used to describe that document. For the purpose of this policy, the terms contract and agreement are interchangeable.
Contractor Initiator – PNWU individual who proposes to enter into a contract with a non-university individual or entity.
Contract Signature Authority – Individuals authorized and empowered to execute in the name of PNWU.
Designated Contract Coordinator – Individual responsible for reviewing and processing PNWU contracts prior to signature.
External Legal Review – An independent review of a contract by outside legal counsel to ensure that legal and financial risk is reduced as much as possible to protect the interests of PNWU.
Fully Executed Contract – The point at which a contract/agreement has been signed by each party to form a legally binding contractual relationship.
University – refers to Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences, its colleges, schools, and programs.
Contract Review and Approval Procedure
Related Documents:
Conflict of Interest Policy
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
Contract Routing Form
Ethical Conduct Policy
Independent Contractor Determination Checklist
Independent Contractor Services Agreement
Independent Contractor Services Amendment
Limited Engagement Agreement
Records Retention and Disposition Policy
Policy Resources
- Establishing and Creating University Policies and Procedures (Policy)
- Policy Template (password protected)
- Procedure Resources (password protected)
- PNWU Alumni Association Bylaws
- COM Bylaws
- PNWU Bylaws
For assistance with policies and procedures contact:
Dee Dennis