Drug and Alcohol Policy

Responsible Unit: Human Resources | Executive lead: President 
Created: 2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 4/18/2019, 1/25/2023, 5/11/2023 | Effective: 6/13/2023
Compliance: Drug-Free Workplace Act 1988; Drug-Free Schools and Community Act Amendments 1989; 
JCAH Standard HR 1.20, 49; CFR 668.46(b)8 and (9); NWCCU 2.F.1, 2.I.1 
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide 

Unlawful possession, use, distribution, or sale 
The unlawful possession, use, distribution, or sale of illicit drugs, controlled substances, prescription drugs, alcohol, other intoxicating substances, and drug-related paraphernalia by employees or students on PNWU property or as part of any of its activities is prohibited. No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs may be manufactured in any academic facility, clinic, or hospital associated with PNWU. 

Work and learn unimpaired 
Employees and students are expected to work and learn unimpaired by the effects of alcohol or drugs and to perform their essential functions effectively and safely without endangering themselves or others.  

Alcohol and Other Drugs Prevention Program 
PNWU provides an Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Prevention Program that is designed, at a minimum, to make employees aware of (a) this policy, (b) the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace, (c) any available alcohol and drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee/student assistance programs, and (d) the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug or alcohol abuse violations. The program also includes annual notification to students and employees regarding standards of conduct; a description of sanctions for violating federal, state, and local law and campus policy; a description of health risks associated with AOD use; a description of treatment options; and a biennial review of the program’s effectiveness and the consistency of the enforcement of sanctions. 

Reporting convictions 
Any employee  or enrolled student convicted in a court of law for a violation of criminal drug laws in the workplace must provide notice of the conviction within five days to the chief human resources officer or provost, respectively. As required by law, within 10 days of receiving such notice the University will notify the U.S. Department of Education (and any other federal contracting or granting agency as required) that the employee or student has had a criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace. 

Events with alcohol 
Alcoholic beverages may not be advertised or promoted on campus. For PNWU-sponsored events both on and off campus, alcoholic beverages will be allowed only when approved by the University president or designee for a specific period of time. The sponsorship of activities by promoters or distributors of alcoholic beverages is not permitted. When alcohol is permitted at an event, the University will be responsible for and shall control the dispensing of alcoholic beverages. The sale or dispensing of alcoholic beverages is prohibited under all circumstances unless an outside licensed catering/pouring company, with the appropriate insurance and permits, is selling or pouring the beverages. Persons who use a room at the University for outside business or personal use may be allowed to dispense and consume alcoholic beverages with the appropriate license, insurance, and permits, allowing them to do so. 

Drug Screening—Students 
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires all individuals involved in the delivery of health care to comply with applicable health screening requirements, including drug screening. As such, PNWU students shall undergo a drug screening whenever it is requested of them. 

An entity that is approved and licensed to perform drug screenings will be selected at the sole discretion of the University and will be conducted in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws.  

Students may be required by the clinical facility at which they rotate to have additional drug screening. Students must comply with these requests. The student will assume the cost of all drug screenings. 

A questionable or adverse drug screening result, non-compliance with a drug screening request, or a diluted test may lead to limitations on participation in education activities and disciplinary actions which could include dismissal or a rescinded offer of admission. 

Drug Screening—Employees 
The University requires a drug screening of all employees as part of the initial employment process and will require testing for substances of abuse when there is reasonable suspicion. PNWU commercial motor vehicle operators are also subject to post-accident drug testing and mandatory drug testing if the driver is involved in a fatal accident. 

An entity that is approved and licensed to perform drug screenings will be selected at the sole discretion of the University and will be conducted in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws. 

A questionable or adverse drug screening result, non-compliance with a drug screening request, or a diluted test may result in the offer of employment being rescinded. 

Violation of the policy 
Any violation of this policy will result in discipline up to and including termination of employment or dismissal from academic program. If appropriate, referral to the proper state or federal authorities for prosecution shall occur. 

Associated academic facility, clinic, or hospital are such entities that are controlled by or substantially controlled by or are a subsidiary of Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences. 

Controlled substance is generally a drug or chemical whose manufacture, possession, or use is regulated by a government. 

Illicit drugs generally refers to highly addictive and usually illegal substances such as heroin and cocaine. 

Under the Influence means having any detectable level of alcohol or controlled substances in one’s system; being impaired or intoxicated by alcohol or controlled substances (including presenting as impaired or intoxicated); or failing, by reason of substance use or abuse, to perform job duties satisfactorily or safely, or in a condition that presents a favorable public image for the University or which contributes to a climate of safety and well-being for the employee, faculty, staff, students, and the public. 

Student Drug Screening 
Employment Drug Screening 
Student Event Request 
PNWU Event Request 

Related documents: 

  • US Drug Enforcement Administration 
  • Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 
  • Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 
  • Washington RCW Chapter 69.50, the Uniform Controlled Substances Act 
  • Counseling Services 
  • Washington Physicians Health Program 
  • Student Criminal or Civil Convictions and Background Report Policy 


Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis