Due Process Policy

Responsible Unit: Human Resources | Executive lead: CHRO 
Created: 5/9/2018 | Reviewed/Revised: 04/11/2023 | Effective: 04/11/2023 
Compliance: NWCCU 2.C.2. 2.D.2, 2.F.1, COCA 1.4  
Approving Body: PPC | Classification: Institution-wide 

PNWU is committed to ensuring all employees and students are treated fairly. Due process at PNWU provides the conduit through which all students and employees are protected. Due process procedures shall be designed to produce fair and reasonable judgments.  

Due process is a requirement that legal and non-legal matters are resolved according to established rules and principles, to ensure individuals are treated fairly. 

See related documents 

Related documents: 
Policy and/or procedure related to due process (this is not an exhaustive list): 

  • Academic Freedom 
  • COM Student Regional Site Placement 
  • Complaints Related to Accreditation Standards 
  • Room Scheduling 
  • Student Complaints of Program Integrity 
  • Student Credit by Examination 
  • Student Academic Progress 
  • Student Grades/Grading