Employment Background Check Policy

Responsible Unit: Human Resources | Executive Lead: CHRO 
Created: 10/12/2020 | Reviewed/Revised: 02/10/2023 | Effective: 06/132023 
Compliance: NWCCU 2.F.1, RCW 49.94, RCW 28B.112.080 
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide 

Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences conducts background checks on final candidates for employment to help ensure the safety of PNWU students, employees, and guests. Depending on the position being sought, one or more of the following will occur.  

Criminal Records Check. A criminal records check is conducted on all finalists. This includes a search of federal criminal records, state records where available, and county records for at least the last seven years. Human Resources reviews the results of the criminal background check to determine whether the prospective employee is eligible for hire 

Driving History Check. If an applicant applies for a job that includes operating a University-owned vehicle, a driving history check is conducted. 

Professional License, Registration, or Certification. If the position requires a license and/or certification, the status of the applicant’s required license and/or certification is verified by Human Resources.  

Professional Reference. Each applicant provides 3 professional references.

Employment Verification. Employment verification is conducted prior to making a job offer to a finalist. This includes verifying dates of employment, job title, and eligibility for rehire (if applicable) as well as asking the past employer to provide a sexual misconduct disclosure.  

Sexual Misconduct Disclosure 
Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington State, RCW 28B.112.080, educational institutions are prohibited from extending an offer of employment to any individual that currently is or has been the subject of any substantiated findings of sexual misconduct and authorizes current and past employers to disclose to the hiring institution any sexual misconduct committed by the applicant; and make available copies of all documents in the current or former employees’ personnel file, investigative, or other files relating to sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment by the applicant.   


Related Documents: 
Sexual Misconduct Disclosure 
Professional Reference Form 

Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis