Ethical Conduct Policy

Responsible Unit: Human Resources | Executive lead: CHRO 
Created: 05/2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 09/16/2020, 03/28/2023 | Effective: 03/28/2023 
Compliance: COCA 1.4, COCA 9.10, NWCCU 2.F.1, CAPTE 4L 
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide 

Those acting on behalf of the University have a general duty to conduct themselves in a manner that will maintain and strengthen the public’s trust and confidence in the integrity of the University and to take no actions incompatible with their obligations to the University. 

PNWU requires those acting on behalf of the University to carefully follow Federal, State, Local, and other laws and regulations and University policies related to their duties and responsibilities. 

Expected ethical behavior includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Act with honesty, integrity and independence, avoiding actual or apparent conflicts of interest. 
  • Not engaging in romantic, amorous, and/or sexual relationships with an inherent power differential. 
  • Provide full, fair, accurate, complete, objective disclosures when appropriate.
  • Act in good faith with due care and diligence and without knowingly misrepresenting material facts or allowing better judgment to be subordinated. 
  • Responsibly control assets. 
  • Act in a reliable and dependable manner. 
  • Treat others with impartiality, civility, and decency. 
  • Protect the integrity and security of University information such as student records, employee files, patient records, and contract negotiation documents. 

 As a health sciences university, there are additional ethical expectations:  

  • A PNWU employee providing health professional services to a student must recuse themselves from academic assessment or promotion of that student. 
  • A PNWU employee who may have influence in academic assessment or promotion of students may not provide housing/accommodations to students. 
  • PNWU faculty who are health care professionals shall adhere to the ethical code of their profession (e.g., American Osteopathic Association Code of Ethics, American Physical Therapy Association Code of Ethics, American Occupational Therapy Association Code of Ethics). 

Those who ignore or do not comply with this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including possible termination of employment.  


Relationship with an inherent power differential is a romantic, amorous, and/or sexual relationship between participants one of whom is a University employee with supervisory, teaching, evaluation, or advisory authority and the other of whom is either an employee or a student who is in a real or perceived subordinated position to the employee. 




Related Documents: 
American Osteopathic Association Code of Ethics 
American Physical Therapy Association Code of Ethics 
American Occupational Therapy Association Code of Ethics 
Title IX – Sexual Harassment, Including Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Retaliation Policy 
Conflict of Interest Policy 
Network Acceptable Use Policy 

Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis