Image Use Policy

Responsible Unit: Marketing and Communications |Executive lead: Chief Development Officer 
Created: 03/2021 | Reviewed/Revised: 08/04/2023 | Effective: 08/04/2023
Compliance: RCW 63.60 
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide 

Pacific Northwest University often uses still and motion images of academic activities and campus life for promotional purposes and to advance the University’s educational objectives; such activities may only occur under authority of PNWU’s Communications and Marketing Office. This Image Use Policy governs still or motion images captured by PNWU employees on behalf of any University unit, and by someone other than a PNWU employee for use by a University unit, for these purposes.  

According to Washington State law, “every individual or personality has a property right in the use of his or her name, voice, signature, photograph, or likeness.” Therefore, a signed photo release form must be obtained if the subject of the image is recognizable, is the primary focus of the photograph/video shot, is identifiable in a small group setting (in these cases, a release should be obtained from each subject), has been recruited to serve as a model, or is a minor (under 18 years of age). If photographing a minor, a signed photo release form must be completed by the minor’s parent or guardian. All photo release forms must be submitted to the Office of Marketing and Communications and will be kept on file indefinitely.

No University unit or employee may reproduce for inclusion in any media to be distributed for or on behalf of PNWU (whether print or electronic publications, e-communications, videos, Web pages, social media, or any other form of media), or maintain in any image archive, any images taken by someone other than a University employee without either a professional services agreement in place granting the University rights to the images or a written consent and release from the external photographer or creator of the image. This includes images used in design for websites, e-communications, brochures, posters, annual reports, videos, or other multimedia communications developed to promote programs, initiatives or educational objectives. 

Images used must comply with copyright law. 

University unit: office, department, center, institute, program, school or other academic or administrative entity of the University. 

Educational objectives: objectives which lay the foundation for what students are expected to do, know, or value as a result of the educational experience. 

Promotional purposes: communications developed for the purpose of increasing engagement, raising general awareness or eliciting participation in any form, whether through attendance, enrollment, or any form of volunteerism or philanthropy. 

Likeness: includes depictions of “distinctive appearance, gestures, or mannerisms.” RCW 63.60.020.  

Photograph: includes both still photography and video that makes the individual “readily identifiable.” RCW 63.60.020. 


Related Documents: 
Image Release Form
PNWU Copyright Policy 

Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis