Library: Interlibrary Loans Policy

Responsible Unit: Library | Executive lead: Provost 
Created: 1/27/2010 | Reviewed/Revised: 4/2013, 3/20/2024 | Effective: 7/1/2024 
Compliance:  ACOTE A.2.14, CAPTE 2B4, CODA 2-22, NWCCU 2.H.1 
Approving Body: PPC | Classification: Local 

When materials are not available through the library’s licensed e-resources, library staff will attempt to get them from another library by requesting them through the DOCLINE ordering system or other platforms. 

This library may also provide materials to other libraries via interlibrary loan in accordance with copyright and institutional site license restrictions. 

Interlibrary loan requests will be processed within two business days of receipt. 

Interlibrary loan and document delivery services are provided free of charge to PNWU faculty, adjunct and clinical instructors, staff, and students.  

Records of interlibrary loan requests (borrows and lends) will be kept for the current year plus the previous three years in accordance with CONTU Guidelines (National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works). 

Library staff will use interlibrary loan request data to inform collection development decisions. 


See ILL and Document Delivery on the Library page at 
See Library Operating Procedures at a Glance, available at the Library 

Related Documents: 
Final Report of the National Commission on New Technological of Copyrighted Works (CONTU) 
Copyright Policy 
Standards for Libraries in Higher Education