Library: Library Needs Assessment Policy

Responsible Unit: Library | Executive lead: Provost 
Created: 3/3/2010 | Reviewed/Revised: 9/30/2011; 1/17/2012, 3/31/2023 | Effective: 5/9/2023 
Compliance:  ACOTE A.2.14, CAPTE 2B4, CODA 2-22, NWCCU 2.H.1, 
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Local 

Using a variety of data collection methods, the library will continually assess the knowledge-based information needs for students, faculty, administrators, and staff. Assessment methods may include surveys, analysis of usage statistics, review of individual requests, and input from subject matter experts, and nationally recognized, peer reviewed services such as Doody’s Core Titles. Library staff routinely communicate with members of the academic programs to ensure the collection aligns with all course syllabi, research, and scholarly activities. Library staff solicit recommendations from PNWU community members and validate recommendations against current programmatic and industry standards.  


L:\Library\Management\Policies & Procedures\Procedures\Operating procedures at a glance.docx 
See Library Operating Procedures at a Glance available at the Library 

Related documents: 
Standards for Libraries in Higher Education 

Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis