Mail and Packages Policy

Responsible Unit: Procurement and Asset Management | Executive lead: CIO 
Created: 04/14/2020 | Reviewed/Revised: 09/28/2023 | Effective: 09/28/2023
Compliance: N/A 
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide 

Neither employees nor students should have personal mail or packages delivered to PNWU campus. Mail received at a PNWU address is by default considered business correspondence and as such property of the University.

PNWU will make its best efforts to sort and deliver mail and packages to the appropriate unit within 48 hours of being received at PNWU with the exception of University-wide holidays or closures as outlined below:

    • Mail addressed to a department or person will be delivered and the unit/office shall determine internal procedures for opening the mail. Any checks found in the mail will be documented,  and delivered to Finance within three (3) business days.
    • All mail not specifically addressed to a department or person will be opened by Operations staff with a determination made as to the office/unit for delivery.
    • Mail suspected of containing a check payable to PNWU will be opened by Operations staff for verification , and potentially delivered to Finance regardless of addressee.

    It is the responsibility of each unit to determine the procedures for retrieval of mail and packages once received to remain in compliance with the three business day requirement.

    Procedures for appropriate postage and safe handling of University mail and packages is set by the Office of Procurement and Asset Management in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.



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