Responsible Unit: Technology Services | Executive lead: CIO
Created: 12/2017 | Reviewed/Revised: 2/5/2018, 4/25/2023 | Effective: 5/1/2023
Compliance: N/A
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide
The university will provide a stipend for use of personal mobile devices for certain categories of employees.
The intention of stipends is not to pay the full cost or monthly fees associated with devices used primarily for personal use; they are compensation for employees’ use of the device when university business is required. The current stipend amount is $40 per month, based on a percentage of the average mobile phone monthly cost as determined by JD Powers & Associates annual benchmark report.
The two categories of employees eligible for stipends are:
- Those whose responsibilities require them to be immediately accessible at all times and may require access to voice, email, Internet service, or text messaging capability. This includes but not limited to leadership positions, security, facilities, and technology services.
- Those who perform a majority of their job activities in the field, where business cannot be conducted on a landline or where it would be inefficient to do so. Examples include regional site administrators and admissions recruiters.
An employee’s supervisor, with input from Human Resources, will determine if a position’s job duties fall into one of the two above categories.
Stipends will be paid for by the employee’s unit.
When employees require Internet access to perform their job duties in public areas that do not have adequate, secure connections, access to hotspot mobile cellular network devices are available for check out. Devices should be checked out from a central location and not assigned to individuals for regular or personal use.
Hotspot devices will be managed by Technology Services. The devices are to be returned at the end of each check-out period. Lost, stolen, or damaged devices and accessories will be replaced at the employee’s department expense. Technology Services will pay the monthly charges for the hotspots and refresh the hardware according to standard lifecycle practices.
Devices purchased by PNWU that are capable of cellular-based Internet connections and require a monthly fee, such as tablets, may be authorized by the Chief Information Officer and paid for with unit funds.
Hotspot: devices that connect to a cellular service such as Verizon and provide a secure wi-fi network.
Mobile device: In the context of this policy mobile devices refer to phones and tablets. Other devices may be considered and defined by the Chief Information Officer.
Stipend: additional compensation added to employee paychecks. Stipends are subject to payroll tax withholdings, do not constitute an increase in base pay, and are not included in any percentage calculations for base pay increases or retirement contribution compensation.
Procedures (private):
Related documents:
Policy Resources
- Policy Development and Approval Training
- Establishing and Creating University Policies and Procedures (Policy)
- Policy Development & Approval Procedure
- Policy Development & Approval Diagram
- Policy Justification Form
- Policy Template (password protected)
- Procedure Resources (password protected)
- PNWU Alumni Association Bylaws
- COM Bylaws
- PNWU Bylaws
For assistance with policies and procedures contact:
Lori Fulton