Naming Policy

Responsible Unit: Development | Executive lead: President
Created: 6/2012 | Reviewed/Revised: 6/2017; 6/6/2019; 1/27/2023 | Effective: 1/27/2023 
Compliance: N/A 
Approving Body: BOT | Classification: Institution-wide 

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance in honoring philanthropy of people and entities to the University. The naming of University properties and programs is a function of the Board of Trustees. No commitment regarding naming shall be made to a donor or a non-donor honoree prior to approval according to the related procedure for naming.

Gift Agreement: An agreement reviewed and signed by a donor, the president or their designee, confirming the mutual promises, commitments, undertakings, restrictions and agreements of the involved parties pertaining to a gift to the university. 


  1. Each proposal shall be made in writing in accordance with these procedures. 
  2. Each proposal for naming shall be considered on its merits. All due attention shall be given to both the long-term and short-term appropriateness of a naming. 
  3. A proposal for naming shall include documentation of the following: 
    • A thorough analysis of the proposal in relation to naming policy and guidelines, as well as a financial review; 
    • A consultation process to provide the benefit of the collective institutional memory and a broad campus perspective with regard to naming activities. The process may involve one or more of the following:  
      • (1) President’s Advisory Council 
      • (2) the Faculty Senate 
      • (3) an appropriate consultative process that represents broad institutional interests 
      • (4) the Executive Director of Development in consultation with the Development Committee 
      • (5) Review by the board’s Executive Committee. 
      • (6) Approval by the Board of Trustees 

Naming requests will be channeled to the president.

The following naming opportunities, which potentially pose substantial reputational risk, require approval by the Board:

  1. Buildings, structures, and public spaces (e.g., courtyards, plazas, athletic facilities such as courts and fields)
  2. Schools, departments, units, centers, institutes, and programs
  3. Academic positions, including naming for deanships, department heads, and professorships.
  4. Any other naming opportunity deemed by university administration to pose a substantial reputational risk, upon recommendation of the president and the chief development officer.

The following naming opportunities, including but not limited to those below, require approval by the President in accordance with the Naming Approval Guidelines:

  1. Interior spaces, rooms, objects, features, collections, and equipment
  2. Landscaping (e.g., trees, shrubs, and other plantings)
  3. Lecture series, lectureships, faculty research fellowships, department funds, awards, student scholarships, and fellowships

The President shall review all naming proposals with the Board chair before implementation. A summary report will be submitted to the Board of Trustees at their next meeting.

When a facility or area is named in recognition of a donor or a non-donor honoree, that name will generally be effective for the useful life of the facility or the designated use of the area. If a facility must be replaced or substantially renovated, or the use of an area re-designated, it may be named for a new donor, subject to the specific terms and conditions set forth in any gift agreements related to the prior naming action.

In any proposal for naming an academic or non-academic program in recognition of a donor or a non-donor honoree, consideration should be given to ensure that any associated endowment would be sufficient to sustain the program, since the naming shall be in effect for the life of the program.

Corporate names may be used to designate individual rooms or suites of rooms, as well as endowed chairs and professorships. Plaques in public spaces within buildings may recognize the contributions of corporations. The size, design, and wording of plaques and other signs that acknowledge corporate generosity and express University appreciation should be modest in size and exclude logos to avoid the appearance of advertising.

To avoid any appearance of commercial influence or conflict of interest, due diligence should be undertaken before recommending the naming of a physical or non-physical entity that involves the name of a corporation, corporate foundation, or organization.

In the event the name of a corporation, corporate foundation, or organization has changed due to restructuring, merger or acquisition, the naming shall remain intact as long as the terms of the gift agreement and gift payments are honored by the successor organization.

A naming conferred in recognition of a pledge is contingent on fulfillment of that pledge and will be approved on that condition. If the pledge is not fulfilled, the naming recognition may be withdrawn.

Once the president agrees that the above procedures have been followed, they will review the request and take action, as granted by the authority of the Board of Trustees.

Plaques, Monuments or Major Markers:

The Development Committee shall, in consultation with the Chief Development Officer, be responsible to review all requests for plaques, monuments, and major markers for the PNWU campus. The chief development officer will coordinate with the facilities director to ensure appropriate design and placement. All such requests shall be in compliance with the Gift Acceptance policy and shall be submitted to the President for final approval.

The Development Office shall maintain an official list of all requests and approved proposals for plaques, monuments, and major markers.

Related Documents: 
Gift Acceptance Policy and Procedures 

Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis