Strategic Planning Policy

Responsible Unit: OIIE | Executive lead: President 
Created: 11/22/2011 | Reviewed/Revised: 1/2013; 9/2013; 12/2022 | Effective: 1/20/2023 
Compliance: NWCCU 2.C.12 
Approving Body: BOT | Classification: Institution-wide 

This policy describes how the Board of Trustees and University will oversee the strategic plan for the University to ensure compliance with NWCCU Standards 1.B.1, 1.B.3, and 1.B.4. 

Through the strategic plan, the Board of Trustees and University leadership communicate the priorities of the institution. The strategic plan: 

  • Describes the role of the University in the attainment of the desired future state of communities impacted by PNWU; 
  • Enables the University to align financial and human resources with strategic objectives; 
  • Guides the work of the board, leadership, faculty and staff of the University, and 
  • Is a tool to measure the success of the University. 

The president of the University shall ensure that the strategic planning process occurs on a regular basis, and that the Board of Trustees is provided with regular updates.

It is the responsibility of the board and leadership of the University to ensure the strategic goals for the University are developed. The elaboration of specific tactics and objectives, implementation plans, relevant budgets and evaluative measures may be assigned to appropriate members of the staff and faculty, subject to adoption by the Board of Trustees.  

The president shall ensure the regular and timely review of the University’s performance relative to the strategic plan, which shall be presented to the board. 


Strategic Planning Procedure 

Related Documents: 

Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis