Responsible Unit: Student Affairs| Executive lead: Provost
Created: 05/2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 07/01/2018, 2/10/2021 | Effective: 07/01/2021
Compliance: WAC 250-61-110(1), COCA 9.5, NWCCU 2.G.6
Approving Body: PPC | Classification: Local: Students
Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences provides academic advising for all enrolled students to support student development and success.
Notifications are made to the student, their academic advisor, and program director/dean as outlined in the procedural document when the student’s academic performance is unsatisfactory.
Students placed on academic alert, warning, or probation, as defined in the Student Catalog, are required to contact their faculty academic advisor as indicated in the notification to provide targeted academic advising.
Academic Advising: Providing student-centered academic guidance, promoting professional and personal development, and ensuring students understand options and opportunities available within their academic programs of study as well as their responsibility for their own progress and success.
Related Documents:
Policy Resources
- Establishing and Creating University Policies and Procedures (Policy)
- Policy Template (password protected)
- Procedure Resources (password protected)
- PNWU Alumni Association Bylaws
- COM Bylaws
- PNWU Bylaws
For assistance with policies and procedures contact:
Dee Dennis