Student Tuition and Fees Policy

Responsible Unit: Enrollment Services and Finance | Executive lead: Provost and CFO 
Created: 08/2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 07/11/2018, 03/18/2021, 06/24/2022, 03/2024 | Effective: 04/2024 
Compliance: NWCCU 2.E.1, 2.E.2, 2.E.3, 2.G.2, COCA 9.2, CAPTE 5B, ACOTE A.4.4, CODA 4-8, Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), 34 CFR Part 668.164(c)(2), WAC 250-61-130 
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide

The PNWU Board of Trustees reviews tuition and fees annually during the budget process. The PNWU Board of Trustees reserves the right to change the schedule of tuition and fees without advance notice, to make such changes applicable to present as well as future students, and to establish additional fees or charges for special services whenever, in their opinion, such actions are deemed advisable.  

Tuition is due and payable in full upon registration. The University will publish tuition, fees, and refund schedule on the official website. 

No course will be credited toward promotion, graduation, or subsequent credit if a student has not paid the required tuition, and assessed student fees and charges, including any additional tuition incurred by repeating any portion of the academic program. 

Tuition will be prorated for approved repeated terms and terms beyond the standard published length of the academic program. 

  • Less than half-time enrollment, no tuition charge 
  • At least half-time but less than full-time, 25% of tuition charge 
  • At least full-time, 50% of tuition charge 

The University provost and chief financial officer annually approve a list of books/ebooks, equipment, supplies, and services included in the cost of tuition. Books and equipment are provided to the students by the seventh day of the payment period. 

Students may opt-out of certain approved items in accordance with CFR, Title 34, Subtitle B, Chapter VI, Part 668, Subpart K. The student acknowledges responsibility of obtaining the items and the failure to do so may impact their academic success. 

PNWU provides a way for a student to obtain those supplies by the seventh day of a payment period by; 

  • Disbursing Title IV, HEA program funds for which the student is eligible up to ten days prior to the payment period; and 
  • A Title IV, HEA credit balance is paid directly to the student as soon as possible, usually within five business days 

Replacement of PNWU provided equipment, supplies, or books are at the expense of the student. 



Related Documents:  
Washington-Chapter 154 Laws of 2017-SB5022 
34 CFR 685.304 
Cash Management, 34 CFR 668 

Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis