Responsible Unit: Enrollment Services | Executive lead: Provost
Created: 5/2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 5/2018, 1/2021, 2/1/2023 | Effective: 3/14/2023
Compliance: 34 CFR 668.22, COCA 9.2, NWCCU 2.C.3, 2.G.2, CAPTE 5B, ACOTE A.4.1, CODA 4-9
Approving Body: PPC | Classification: Students
Students who discontinue their education at PNWU for any reason, other than an approved leave of absence, are required to complete a written request to withdraw. Failure to complete the request to withdraw will result in a hold on all academic records and replacement charges incurred for any PNWU property not returned within ten business days of the last day of participation in academic activities.
A student choosing to withdraw from the University automatically waives the right to an appeal of any disciplinary action or dismissal decisions previously made by the Student Progress Committee and/or the dean or program director. Guaranteed re-admission, based on withdrawal reason, may be voided upon failure to provide documentation in a timely manner.
A student no longer attending academically-related activities and not approved for a leave of absence will be considered withdrawn as of the determined official date of withdrawal. A student failing to return from an approved leave of absence is considered to have withdrawn on the day that the student began the approved leave of absence.
Students withdrawing from the University will receive a grade of withdrawal (W) for all ungraded, registered courses.
The University will complete a refund calculation of federal funds (R2T4) for any recipient of or eligible for Title IV assistance at time of withdrawal.
Tuition refund proration is determined based on the date of the withdrawal. No part of the tuition charges will be refunded to a student who withdraws for any reason after the third week from the first day of the program’s academic term. The University will refund prorated tuition as follows:
- 75 percent during the first week of the term
- 50 percent during the second week of the term
- 25 percent during the third week of the term
The University will publicize the withdrawal policy and procedures for withdrawing and the financial consequences on the authorized public website.
- Official Date of Withdrawal – the date of the written request or the last date of attendance, whichever comes first
- Withdrawal – ceases attendance prior to the end of the term
- Withdrawal Reasons
- Advanced Study Withdrawal – granted to osteopathic medical students who wish to pursue educational opportunities, such as PhD program or research fellowship
- Medical withdrawal – granted to students who have a medically documented reason acceptable to the University
- Military Withdrawal – granted to students whose military reserve obligations necessitate an extended absence for active duty (longer than 30 days)
- Personal Withdrawal – granted to students who voluntarily cease attendance for personal reasons
- Administrative Withdrawal – designation for students no longer attending academically-related activities and not approved for a leave of absence or failing to return from a leave of absence.
- R2T4 – Return of Title IV funds calculation of earned and unearned portions of the Title IV assistance
- Program – academic degree program
Related Documents:
Financial Aid Return of Title IV Funds Policy
Student Readmission Policy
Policy Resources
- Establishing and Creating University Policies and Procedures (Policy)
- Policy Template (password protected)
- Procedure Resources (password protected)
- PNWU Alumni Association Bylaws
- COM Bylaws
- PNWU Bylaws
For assistance with policies and procedures contact:
Dee Dennis