Tobacco- Smoke- Vape-Free Policy

Responsible Unit: Human Resources | Executive lead: CHRO 
Created: 2012 | Reviewed/Revised: 1/24/2019, 3/28/2023 | Effective: 03/28/2023
Compliance: RCW 70.160, 34 CFR 668.49(b)(5), NWCCU 2.F.1, 2.I.1
Approving Body: PAC| Classification: Institution-wide 

PNWU is a tobacco-, smoke-, and vape-free environment. Smoking and use of tobacco products are prohibited on University owned or leased property, and in University vehicles and any vehicle located on University property. 
This policy applies to all events and persons including, but not limited to, students, faculty, staff, contracted personnel, vendors, and visitors. 
Report of an infraction should be directed to the following: 

  • Student Affairs, for student noncompliance 
  • Human Resources, for employee or contracted personnel noncompliance 
  • Facilities, for vendor noncompliance 
  • Security, for visitor noncompliance 

Signage appropriate to this policy shall be, at a minimum, posted conspicuously at each building entrance whether the property is owned or leased by PNWU. Removing, defacing, or destroying such signage is prohibited. 
Employees and students who are noncompliant with the policy are subject to disciplinary action. 

Visitors and members of the public who refuse to comply with this policy will be referred to Security and may be asked to leave campus. 
Any person intentionally violating this policy in Washington State is subject to civil action as described in RCW 70.160.070 

Tobacco products include, but are not limited to, loose tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookahs), bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), vaporizers, vape pens, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, and any non-Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved nicotine delivery device.  


Related documents: 

Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis