Vacation Policy

Responsible Unit: Human Resources | Executive lead: CHRO 
Created: 2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 5/24/2019, 3/28/2023, 8/31/2023 | Effective: 9/30/2023
Compliance: NWCCU 2.F.1 
Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide 

Non-faculty employees are eligible for vacation with pay after 30 days of employment have been completed. 

Paid vacation is earned by full-time employees, working full-time hours, 0.7 – 1.0 FTE, at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) days per full month worked up to a maximum of 20 days, or 160 hours. Part time employees, 0.5 – 0.69 FTE, earn at the rate of 0.75 days per month up to a maximum 160 hours. The accrual is based on actual hours worked. An employee’s unused vacation balance may not exceed 160 hours. Employees who have reached the maximum accrual will not accrue any further vacation until vacation time is used so that the accrued balance drops below the maximum.  

Vacation will begin accruing the first day of hire. Paid vacation will not be earned during an unpaid leave of absence. 

When an official University holiday falls within an employee’s vacation period, vacation is not charged for that day. Vacation pay is payable only at the time vacation is taken or upon termination. Vacation pay will not be granted in lieu of vacation except at termination and then only with the approval of the department head and responsible planning unit head. 

Vacation allowance to be paid upon termination will be the basis of total vacation earned but not taken, up to a maximum of 160 vacation hours. Generally, vacation is only paid upon termination when the employee gives 21 calendar day notice and works the entire notice period as scheduled. 

Vacation Pay Out  
Non-faculty employees who accrue vacation time are allowed to cash out up to 40 hours of accrued vacation time once per fiscal year at the employee’s base rate. The maximum allowable amount is $2,500. 

Vacation Donation  
Vacation donations to another employee’s sick time bank may be granted in instances where an employee, who is benefit eligible, has exhausted all of his/her sick and vacation benefits and needs additional sick time off. Donations are made from person to person on an hour for hour pay period basis. The donor must maintain at least 60 hours of earned vacation time in their bank. Donation is voluntary and confidential. All requests for donation are made through Human Resources. 



Related Documents: 

Policy Resources

For assistance with policies and procedures contact:

Dee Dennis