Department of Internal Medicine


3 results found.
Albert Brady
Albert Brady MD
Chair of Clinical Medicine/Professor of Internal Medicine
Townes Coscarart BA
Administrative Assistant
Jonathan Hibbs MD
Chair of Internal Medicine/Professor

Courses Offered

CLIN 504 Musculoskeletal & Integumentary System
CLIN 510 Cardiovascular System
CLIN 512 Respiratory System
CLIN 603 Genitourinary/Reproductive System
CLIN 604 Board Exam Preparation
CLIN 614 Cardiovascular System
CLIN 615 Respiratory System
CLIN 616 Renal System
CLIN 618 Behavioral Medicine
CLIN 625 Hematology/Oncology
CLIN 627 Gastrointestinal System
CLIN 628 Nervous System
CLIN 629 Endocrine System 
CLIN 631 Multi-System
IM 701 (Core) Internal Medicine
IM 702 (Core) Internal Medicine
IM 703 (Elective) Allergy & Immunology
IM 704 (Elective) Cardiovascular Disease
IM 705 (Elective) Dermatology
IM 706 (Elective) Endocrinology
IM 707 (Elective) Wound Care
IM 708 (Elective) Gastroenterology
IM 709 (Elective) Geriatrics
IM 710 (Elective) Hematology/Oncology
IM 711 (Elective) Infectious Disease
IM 712 (Elective) Nephrology
IM 713 (Elective) Neurology
IM 715 (Elective) Pulmonary
IM 716 (Elective) Intensive Care
IM 717 (Elective) Rheumatology & Immunology
IM 719 (Elective) Internal Medicine Elective
IM 727 (Elective) Physical Medicine & Rehab
IM 801 (Elective) Internal Medicine Sub-I

For detailed course description, please check Student Catalog.