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What Matters in the End

The Purpose of this Annual Event is to educate students, the community, and local health care professions on the issues that face our diverse population at the end of life. Our focus is compassion, equity, and hope for those facing these difficult yet inevitable issues, their families, and their caregivers.

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What Matters in the End 2023

March 29th, 30th, and 31st

Butler-Haney Hall Auditorium (BHH 302)

PNWU’s annual event promoting open discussion regarding end-of-life care and preferences.

No registration required.

This year’s theme: The Healing Touch at the End of Life

Featuring presentations on OPP and end-of-life care, palliative care, hospice care, advance directives, death with dignity, death mediations, organ donation and recipients, and the Colby Foundation

Schedule of Events 2023

Wednesday 3/29

5:00 Introduction to conference and reflections. Dr. Lawler

5:15 Dr. Sorrells. History of the conference

5:30 Lauren Morgan OMS1 and Dr. Al Brady: Embracing the Inevitable: a workshop on advanced directives and death meditation

7:00 Dr. Jeanne Rupert. Assistant Dean Clinical Education and Associate Professor. Let the Healing Fountain Start:  Osteopathy at the End of Life

Thursday 3/30

5:00 Video transplant surgeons

5:30 – 6:30 Student Panel. Diversity issues at the end of life

6:30 -7:30 Dr. Jess Kaan Medical Director for End-of-Life Washington and Internal Medicine Hospitalist. Medical Aid in Dying in Washington state.  

Friday 3/31

5:00 – 5:30 Life Center Northwest. Organ procurement organization

5:30– 6:30 Lenny Price. Grammy nominated saxophone player and kidney transplant survivor. The Chart is not the Patient

6:30 – 7:30 Starla Cassani and the Colby Foundation. The story of her son Colby and the importance of organ donation

Zoom Link

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 854 5949 6874

Passcode: 907224


End of Life Washington End of Life Washington – Your life. Your death. Your choice. (endoflifewa.org)

Hospice Resources – Hospice Giving Foundation

General Resources End of Life Resource Page – AAADSW (helpingelders.org)

Washington State Palliative and Hospice Resource  Resources – Washington State Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (wshpco.org)

End of Life Educational Resources and Books  End of life education materials for families and professionals – BK Books

Grief Support Grief Support – Heartlinks (heartlinkshospice.org)

Washington State Psychological Association Resources  Palliative Care/End of Life – Washington State Psychological Association (wspapsych.org)

Hospice locations in Yakima

Memorial Hospice and Home Care. 302 S 10th Ave, Yakima, WA 98908.

(509) 574-3600

Cottage in The Meadow Hospice.1208 S 48th Ave, Yakima, WA 98902

(509) 574-6744

Astria Home Health and Hospice. 7 S. 10th Ave, Yakima, WA 98902


HopeBridge Home Health 2109-A W Lincoln Ave, Yakima, WA 98902

(509) 452-0509

Organ donation resources

LifeCenter Northwest

Phone: (425) 201-6563

Body donation

Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences

College of Osteopathic Medicine Department of Anatomy 200 University Yakima, WA 98901

  • University of Washington

Willed Body Program


Email: uwwilledbody@uw.edu

  • Washington State University

Willed Body Program

412 E Spokane Falls Blvd.

Spokane, WA 99202-2131


2022 Schedule
Thursday, March 31

Friday, April 1

Saturday, April 2
5:00 pm: Dr. David Schwan
David Schwan, PhD, from Central Washington University will speak on dehumanization in medical practitioners in end-of-life care.

6:00 pm: Richard Groves
Keynote speaker Richard Groves, co-founder of Sacred Art of Living Center, will introduce practical skills and case studies regarding the inter-relationship between all dimensions of pain and the universal ‘diagnoses’ of suffering: meaning, forgiveness, relatedness, and hope.
5:00 pm: Dr. Gregg VandeKieft and Adie Goldberg
Dr. Vandekieft and Adie Goldberg, LICSW will be co-presenting on person centered care in rural settings, shedding the urban lenses and working in rural communities, and the interdisciplinary team.

6:00 pm: Student Doctor Dua Khan
Student Doctor Dua Khan will present her research on physician burnout in hospice care.
8:00 am: Caleb Buck
Video presentation on organ donation from LifeCenter Northwest.

9:00 am: Ginny Heinitz
She will speak on advance care planning, serious illness conversation, and the role of the clinician in honoring a person’s story.

10:00 am: Lenny Price
World-renowned saxophonist Lenny Price recently received a kidney transplant. He tells his story, as well as gives advice to med students on how to provide compassionate care to organ transplant patients.

11:00 am: Starla Cassani
Starla Cassani from The Colby Foundation will tell the story of the death of her and Dr. Cassani’s son, Colby, and the process of donating his organs in a video presentation
Please Click on the Image to view the Keynote Speaker for the 2022 Event; Richard Groves
Please Click on the Image to view the Keynote Speaker for the 2022 Event; Richard Groves

Student Comments

” Thank you for this much needed event. I liked approaching this topic in a low stress environment.”

“Great Event! Hearing personal stories impactful and important.”

” This talk made me envious of how well Interprofessional collaboration works in these palliative care settings.”

” Thank you for this event. This is a part of our career that is incredibly important and not discussed enough.”

Very good event! Got a lot out of it. We need to have more talks like this.”

Here are some links to Previous Events:
What Matters in the End 2021
What Matters in the End 2021; Ester Huey
What Matters in the End 2022; David Schwan
What Matters in the End 2021; Dr. Kamal Abu-Shamsieh
What Matters in the End 2021; Dr. Bill Hoy
What Matters in the End 2021; Dr. Maxine Janis
What Matters in the End 2021; “When My Time Comes”
What Matters in the End 2021; Dr. Nadia Tremonti

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