Admission Requirements

Completed ADEA AADSAS Application.

Overall GPA – 3.0
Science GPA – 3.0

Educational Requirements/Prerequisites 

Below are listed the SDM’s admissions requirements. We have provided a handy SDM Admissions Planning Worksheet that you can download and record your status regarding the prerequisites. 

  1. Credit hours: 
  • Minimum of three years (90 semester or 135 quarter credit hours) at a regionally accredited college or university; however, preference is for applicants who will be completing or have completed a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university. 
  1. Courses: 
  • General Chemistry – 2 semesters/quarters* 
  • Organic Chemistry – 2 semesters/quarters* 
  • General Biochemistry – 1 semester/quarter* 
  • General Physics – 1 semester/quarter* 
  • General Biology or Zoology – 2 semesters/quarters* 
  • General Microbiology – 1 semester/quarter* 
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology – 2 semester/quarter if these courses are combined Or 2 semester/quarter for each course taken separately (OR Anatomy – 1 semester/quarter and Physiology – 1 semester/quarter)*
  • English – 1 semester/quarter*
  • Social or Behavioral Science – 1 semester/quarter* 

*Note that these must be lecture courses. Lab courses do not count. 

We do not select or give preference to a particular undergraduate major or field of study. Our admissions committee encourages diversity in the majors of our applicants. 

  1. Dental Admissions Test (DAT): 
  • The DAT is not required. 

Technical Skills Requirements 

There are specific minimum core performance standards, or technical standards, needed to be a dental clinician. The SDM has created a policy regarding these standards. Please see the policy linked below.

Technical Standards Policy

Other Requirements 

  • Demonstrated interest and commitment to providing care to those in rural and/or medically underserved communities.

Shadowing Hours – at least 50 hours

SDM encourages applicants to diversify the procedures the candidate observes.  Virtual shadowing will not qualify.  For individuals that have worked as a dental assistant or dental hygienist within the last three years, shadowing hours will be waived.

  • Please use this form to record your shadowing experiences. We will request a copy of this form from applicants during the admissions process.

Volunteer/Community Service Hours – at least 50 hours within the last 5 years

Activities should not be solely related to medical/dental. Exceptional candidates will have demonstrated consistent and recent experience.

  • Please use this form to record your community service experiences. We will request a copy of this form from applicants during the admissions process. 

Letters of Recommendation – 3 required

The requirements for letters of recommendation:

  • 1 science faculty who has graded your work
  • 1 dentist
  • 1 optional (open letter)

The three additional letters of recommendation will need to be emailed by the letter writers directly to or mailed to the Admissions Department (mailing address is below). Please do not send them to SDM.

Admissions Department
200 University Parkway
Yakima, WA 98901

For applicants who have the other letters of recommendation in AADSAS, those letters will be sent over with their application.

Advanced Standing Students

The SDM currently has no advanced standing (a dental degree from a non-CODA accredited school) program. If we develop an advanced standing program in the future, we will update the website accordingly.

School of Dental Medicine Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements
Admission Prerequisite Mapping
Cost to Apply
The Interview
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To request a tour of our campus, please visit our PNWU website to register. These tours are scheduled on the fourth Tuesday of the month, excluding PNWU’s Open House dates. PNWU-SDM tours are intended for those who are not applying for the current admission cycle.


As of August 2024, the SDM has received initial accreditation from the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA).

Contact Us

We welcome all queries. For admissions related questions, please email All other inquiries, feel free to contact us at, and we’ll get back to you shortly.