What Can You Do with an OT Degree?

Occupational Therapy consistently ranks amongst the best healthcare jobs

#1 OTs have a unique job unlike any other health professional!

Help clients live life to the fullest.

#2 A degree in occupational therapy provides almost endless career possibilities.

#3 You can obtain a degree in occupational therapy in as little as two years.

Faculty and Staff

Professional Licensure

MSOT Program Outcomes

MSOT Fast Facts

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Contact Information

Heather Fritz, PhD, OTR/L CHC
Associate Professor and Founding Dean
School of Occupational Therapy
MultiCare Learning Center, Room 107

Jami Flick, PhD, MS, OTR/L
Director of Clinical Education
School of Occupational Therapy
MultiCare Learning Center, Room 123

Kathleen Carrillo, BSHM
Executive Assistant
School of Occupational Therapy
MultiCare Learning Center, Room 105