Student Resources

Commonly Used Resources

Access course materials in the learning management system.

Find books and media, browse databases, and more. Utilize all of the resources our library has to offer.

Office 365
Access all of your Microsoft programs.

Events Portal
Access a full list of class schedules and events, book spaces on campus, and more.

Student Catalog
The student catalog contains PNWU academic and institutional policies, the academic calendar, curriculum layouts, and course descriptions.

Student Handbook
The Student Handbook is a compilation of procedures and guidelines that provide the framework of expectations for academic performance, conduct, behavior, and professionalism as a student at PNWU. 

Student Forms
The Student Forms page is a compilation of commonly used forms for academic support, clinical education, financial aid, student affairs, and academic records. 


Financial Aid Portal
You may access the results of your FAFSA and view federal loan eligibility online through the secure portal! 

Financial Aid FAQs
Have a question about financial aid? Find your answers here!

Look for student scholarships and other ways to pay for your education.

Get Involved

Student Activities
While studies take precedence for PNWU students, there are many opportunities to participate in activities, programs, and events designed to enrich and enhance student life. 

Student Government Association (SGA)
The PNWU Student Government Association (SGA) is the official voice for students. 

Roots to Wings
Roots to Wings is a transformative co-mentoring health sciences education pathway program for Native American and Mexican-American students in grades six through twelve and osteopathic medical students.


Scholarly Activities
The Office of Scholarly Activity (OSA) serves PNWU programs and engages community partners in scholarly endeavors. 

Graduate Medical Education
GME assists DO students with residency placement opportunities, Residency Program Meet-n-Greets, scholarly activity, and residency planning.

Student Affairs
Student Affairs supports a student’s well-being and extracurricular growth and development through the provision of co-curricular programs and information. 

Technology Services
Get help with printing, iPads, Moodle, wifi, and more.


Academic Calendar
Access curriculum and event calendars.

Advisor PNWU Connect
View and access links to student information, data, and advising forms.

Access rotation scheduling, evaluations, immunization records, and more.

Deliver online secure testing and rubric assessments.

Sitero Mentor IRB
Institutional Review Board submissions

Provides online compliance training.

Review lecture recordings according to your own pace.

Research data collection

View grade reports, transcripts, student account, financial aid, and missing requirements.

Student PNWU Connect
Access to forms, academic and advising information

View graduation information.

Campus Life

PNWU Store
Here is your resource for all PNWU-branded apparel, supplies, and accessories.

The Grapevine
This is your weekly resource for what’s happening on campus! Have an announcement or event you’d like to share? Contact for submissions.

Yakima Campus Map
A visual overview of the PNWU campus located in Yakima, WA.