Members of the University community have an affirmative duty to disclose and seek guidance if they believe that a member of the University community or person associated with or doing business with PNWU is engaging in wrongful conduct.

Wrongful conduct is any action or omission taken by or within the University that is illegal, fraudulent, or in violation of University policies, including the Code of Conduct, or procedures. Wrongful conduct includes, but is not limited to, violations of law including fraud; unauthorized use of University property or resources; fraudulent or dishonest financial reporting, bribery, or kickbacks; and research or other academic fraud.

To report suspected wrongful conduct, visit the Office of Compliance, Ethics, and Integrity Services webpage at

If you are reporting complaints related to accreditation please access that section of the Student Catalog or theĀ Accreditation webpage at

Policy link: Reporting Suspected Wrongful Conduct Policy

Page revision date: June 6, 2024