Sexual Assault Prevention (Title IX) Training

New students will complete an online Sexual Assault Prevention training prior to matriculation and upload the certificate of completion to their onboarding system (MyRecordTracker for MAMS and DO, Exxat for DPT and MSOT). Current students will complete the online Sexual Assault Prevention training prior to starting each academic year and upload the certificate of completion to their onboarding system (MyRecordTracker or eValue for DO, Exxat for DPT and MSOT).

Best practices and federal guidelines call for training that prepares students to intervene in high-risk situations. Sexual Assault Prevention training uses life-like interactions and innovative content to develop students’ bystander knowledge of safe and positive intervention strategies. It also recognizes graduate students’ greater maturity and sophistication with targeted content that has been refined by focus groups to speak to graduate students’ unique experiences and role on campus.

Sexual Misconduct Investigation Process

PNWU has developed internal policies and procedures that provide a prompt, fair, and impartial process for those involved in an allegation of sexual harassment or retaliation. PNWU values and upholds the dignity of all members of its community and strives to balance the rights of the parties in the grievance process during what is often a difficult time for all those involved.

Learn more on the Title IX webpages of

Policy link: Title IX Sexual Harassment, Including Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation policy

Title IX Coordinator: Ro Kmetz, Human Resources
200 University Parkway IHL 202, Yakima WA 98901

Inquiries may be made externally to:

Office of Civil Rights (OCR) United States Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
Customer Service Hotline: 800.421.3481
FAX: 202.453.6012
TTD: 877.521.2172

Seattle Regional Office U.S. Department of Education
915 Second Avenue, Room 3310
Seattle, WA 98174-1099
Phone: 206-607-1600

For complaints involving employees: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

The University provides procedural protections that are important to this community, including:

  • Providing clear notice to anyone accused of misconduct along with a presumption of innocence;
  • Protections and accountability for students and employees;
  • Conducting a process that is fair and transparent to the participants, where all evidence is known and shared prior to any final decision;
  • Providing a strong set of supportive measures to all parties that are designed to effectively bring an end to any hostile environment;
  • Delivering resolutions to complaints as promptly as possible;
  • Strong sanctions for violations of policy;
  • A brochure offering guidance on resolution options;
  • Flowcharts within policy to make options clearer and more user-friendly;
  • Vetting process administrators carefully to ensure they are well-trained, impartial and unbiased; and
  • Appropriate informal resolution opportunities. The following is a summary of the procedure, please access the full procedure document here.

When the respondent is a member of PNWU’s community, a grievance process may be available regardless of whether the complainant, is part of the PNWU community. The PNWU community includes, but is not limited to, students, student organizations, faculty, administrators, staff, and third parties such as vendors, guests, visitors, volunteers, invitees, and summer camp participants. Procedures may be applied to specific incidents, to patterns, and/or to the campus climate, all of which may be addressed and investigated in accordance with PNWU policy.

Notice or complaints of sexual harassment and/or retaliation may be made using any of the following options:

  • File a complaint with, or give verbal notice to, the Title IX Coordinator. Such a report may be made at any time, including during non-business hours) by using the telephone number or email address, or by mail to the office address listed for the Title IX Coordinator or other official listed on the Title IX Team.
  • Report online, using the reporting form. Anonymous reports are accepted and may result in a need to investigate.
  • Report to any PNWU employee who will promptly notify the Title IX Coordinator. Please note all PNWU employees are mandatory reporters. Some examples of people with whom you can speak who are not required to report are counselors, health care providers, and clergy.

PNWU will offer and implement appropriate and reasonable supportive measures to the parties upon notice of alleged sexual harassment and/or retaliation. PNWU can act to remove a student respondent entirely or partially from PNWU education programs or activities on an emergency basis when an individualized safety and risk analysis has determined that an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any student or other individual justifies removal.

All allegations are acted upon promptly by PNWU once it has received notice or a formal complaint. Complaints can take sixty to ninety (60-90) business days to resolve. In cases where delays beyond this general timeframe may occur PNWU will provide written notice to the parties that includes the cause of the delay, and an estimate of the anticipated additional time required to complete the investigation.

Every effort is made by PNWU to preserve the privacy of reports, except as permitted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) or as required by law, or to carry out the conducting of any investigation, hearing, or grievance proceeding arising under these policies and procedures.

Regardless of where the conduct occurred, PNWU will address notice/complaints to determine whether the conduct occurred in the context of the university’s employment or educational programs or activities and/or has continuing effects on campus or in an off-campus sponsored program or activity.

Page revision date: June 6, 2024