Addiction in Medicine Speaker Series – Featuring Dr. Nancy Hecox-NPBMC-BHH 301

Addiction in Medicine is a two part speaker series. Our second speaker, Dr. Nancy Hecox,  is a pharmacologist and previous professor at PNWU. She will be coming to speak to both students and faculty and share her story.

Bio for Dr. Nancy Hecox, PharmD CDP:

Dr. Hecox recently retired from teaching, and was the Clinical supervisor for Tieton Village Drugs in Yakima Washington. She received her BSPharm in 1978 from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, returning to school in 1994 to obtain her PharmD from Idaho State University. She has worked in retail pharmacy, independent and chain drugstores and has taught pharmacology at Pacific Northwest University College of Medicine with an interest in Public Health.  Dr Hecox was chosen by Governor Inslee to sit on the Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission. She has served in this capacity since November of 2103, currently sitting at a PROTEM. She also helped start the WRAPP program and worked as the chemical dependency counselor for that organization for 6 years.

Dr. Hecox has published articles in various journals and has presented topics concerning pharmacists participation public health services at several conferences. In addition, Dr Hecox may be found running ½ marathons, hunting, fishing and hiking all over the world. She lives in Selah, WA with her husband Ray and two weimeraners, Levi and Cooper.