Responsible Unit: COM Dean | Executive lead: COM Dean Created: 5/2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 4/24/2019, 12/08/2020, 11/14/2023 | Effective: 11/14/2023Compliance: COCA 1.6, COCA 9.2, NWCCU 2.G.2Approving Body: PPC | Classification: COM Students Policy:A student who has fulfilled all the academic requirements within 150 percent of his/her four-year program, except where an exception is required by law, will…Continue Reading COM Graduation Requirements Policy
(This is a "Page")COM Gift of Body Policy
Responsible Unit: COM | Executive lead: Dean, COM Created: 6/2013 | Reviewed/Revised: 6/2015, 11/2023 | Effective: 11/14/2023Compliance: RCW, WAC Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide Purpose: The purpose of this document is to set forth the policies and procedures by which dead human bodies are donated, received and used in the educational programs of Pacific Northwest University…Continue Reading COM Gift of Body Policy
(This is a "Page")CME Validation of CME Content Policy
Responsible Unit: CME | Executive lead: Provost Created: 5/6/2015 | Reviewed/Revised: 9/27/23 | Effective: 9/27/23 Compliance: AOA, WSMA, ACCME, COCA 10.1 Approving Body: PPC | Classification: Institution-Wide Policy:Accredited CME and/or CE is accountable to the public for presenting clinical content that supports safe, effective patient care. Clinical content validation is designed to ensure that patient care recommendations made…Continue Reading CME Validation of CME Content Policy
(This is a "Page")CME Social Events at CME Activities Policy
Responsible Unit: Office of the Provost | Executive lead: Provost Created: 3/9/2015 | Reviewed/Revised: N/A | Effective: 3/9/2015 Compliance: N/A Approving Body: BOD | Classification: Institution-Wide Purpose: This policy exists to provide guidance and support for staff, faculty and joint/co-sponsors of CME accredited activities to enable strict adherence to the guidelines set by the AMA Council on Ethical and…Continue Reading CME Social Events at CME Activities Policy
(This is a "Page")CME Program Records Management Policy
Responsible Unit: Office of the Provost | Executive lead: ProvostCreated: 4/26/2014 | Reviewed/Revised: N/A | Effective: 4/26/2014 Compliance: N/A Approving Body: PPC | Classification: Institution-Wide Purpose:Accredited CME providers must maintain specific activity records. Maintenance of the documentation associated with attendance and activity records enables PNWU’s CME Program to comply with reporting requirements, reaccreditation review, and PNWU’s Document…Continue Reading CME Program Records Management Policy
(This is a "Page")CME Honoraria and Reimbursement Policy
Responsible Unit: Office of the Provost | Executive lead: Provost Created: 4/26/2014 | Reviewed/Revised: N/A | Effective: 4/1/2015 Compliance: AOA, WSMA, ACCME, COCA 1.4 Approving Body: PPC | Classification: Institution-Wide Purpose: This policy delineates the rules and regulations governing payment of honoraria and reimbursement of expenses by PNWU to PNWU CME program planners, teachers, and/or authors. The Accreditation…Continue Reading CME Honoraria and Reimbursement Policy
(This is a "Page")CME Grievances Policy
Responsible Unit: COM-GME| Executive lead: Provost Created: 4/26/2014 | Reviewed/Revised: 11/14/23 | Effective: 1/09/2024 Compliance: AOA, Approving Body: PPC | Classification: Institution-Wide Policy: Grievances regarding PNWU’s Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program and sponsored CME activities are handled on an individual basis. Efforts shall be made to promptly and constructively address and resolve all grievances. Definitions: N/A Related…Continue Reading CME Grievances Policy
(This is a "Page")CME Evaluation Policy
Responsible Unit: Office of the Provost | Executive lead: Provost Created: 4/26/2014 | Reviewed/Revised: N/A | Effective: 4/26/2014 Compliance: N/A Approving Body: PPC | Classification: Institution-Wide Purpose: This policy provides guidelines for assessing, documenting, and continuously improving the effectiveness of PNWU’s CME Program. Policy: The CME Committee is responsible for the primary evaluation and assessment of the overall…Continue Reading CME Evaluation Policy
(This is a "Page")Presidential Honors and Honorary Degrees
The President’s Medal is awarded to a member of the University community in recognition of extraordinary and unique service and contributions to PNWU. Criteria for recipients include:…Continue Reading Presidential Honors and Honorary Degrees
(This is a "Page")Cash Management Policy
Responsible Unit: Finance | Executive lead: CFO Created: 1/2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 5/2011; 6/2015; 6/2016; 1/27/2023 | Effective: 1/27/2023 Compliance: NWCCU 2.E.1, 2.E.2, 2.E.3 Approving Body: Board | Classification: Institution-wide Policy: This policy outlines the cash management policies for Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences Bank Accounts All bank accounts shall be authorized by at least one member of the…Continue Reading Cash Management Policy