Category: Uncategorized

(This is a "Page")Investment Policy

Responsible Unit: Finance | Executive lead: CFO Created: 01/01/2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 05/2011, 07/2012, 09/2023 | Effective: 09/2023 Compliance: RCW 63.60, NWCCU 2.E.1, 2.E.2, 2.E.3  Approving Body: BOT | Classification: Institution-wide  Mission: The mission of PNWU is to educate and train healthcare professionals emphasizing service among rural and medically underserved communities throughout the Northwest.  To further its mission,…Continue Reading Investment Policy

(This is a "Page")Institutional Surveys Policy

Responsible Unit: Office of Integrated Institutional Effectiveness | Executive lead: Provost Created: 02/22/2018 | Reviewed/Revised: 12/06/2022 | Effective: 12/06/2022 Compliance: N/AApproving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution wide  Policy:    All institutional surveys intended for distribution to members or prospective members of the PNWU community (applicants, students, faculty, staff, board members, volunteers, and alumni) must be reviewed and approved…Continue Reading Institutional Surveys Policy

(This is a "Page")Information and Data Protection Policy

Responsible Unit: Technology Services | Executive lead: CIO Created: 2/22/2012 | Reviewed/Revised: 3/7/2018, 4/25/2023, 11/17/2023 | Effective: 12/18/23 Compliance: FERPA, HIPAA, PC, GRAMM-Leach Billey, NWCCU 2.C.4 Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide  Policy:  Throughout its life cycle, all institutional data shall be protected in a manner that is considered reasonable and appropriate, as defined by procedures and documentation…Continue Reading Information and Data Protection Policy

(This is a "Page")Human Resource and Payroll Segregation of Duties Policy

Responsible Unit: Finance |Executive lead: CFO Created: 1/1/2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 5/2011; 6/2015; 10/2017; 1/27/2023 | Effective: 1/27/2023  Compliance: NWCCU 2.F.1Approving Body: BOT | Classification: Operational   Policy:  The purpose of this policy is to address the segregation of duties between Human Resources and Payroll.  Segregation of duties exists between authorizing/hiring and payroll processing.  Pay rates shall be authorized…Continue Reading Human Resource and Payroll Segregation of Duties Policy

(This is a "Page")Handling, Transportation, and Communication Related to Hazardous Waste Policy

Responsible Unit: Materials Management | Executive lead: CIO Created: 8/21/2015 | Reviewed/Revised: 3/21/2018; 4/11/2018; 1/27/2023 | Effective: 1/27/2023 Compliance: 40 CFR 116, NWCCU 2.I.1, COCA 5.3 Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide  Policy: Federal regulation 40 CFR 116 requires all students, faculty and staff involved in transportation, making arrangements for transportation of, packaging, or handling any hazardous substance…Continue Reading Handling, Transportation, and Communication Related to Hazardous Waste Policy

(This is a "Page")Gift Acceptance Procedure

Associated policy, standard(s), and/or regulation(s): Gift Acceptance Policy, NWCCU 2.E.1, 2.E.2, 2.E.3Responsible Unit: Development| Executive Lead: Executive Director of Development Created: 2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 12/2017, 6/2019, 1/27/2023 | Effective: 1/27/2023  Procedure:  I. Use of Legal Counsel PNWU shall seek the advice of legal counsel in matters relating to acceptance of gifts when appropriate. Review by counsel is…Continue Reading Gift Acceptance Procedure

(This is a "Page")Gift Acceptance Policy

Responsible Unit: Development | Executive lead: Exec. Dir. Development Created: 5/28/2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 12/8/2017; 6/6/2019; 1/27/2023 | Effective: 1/27/2023 Compliance: NWCCU 2.E.1, 2.E.2, 2.E.3 Approving Body: BOT | Classification: Institution-wide   Policy:  Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences (PNWU) encourages the solicitation and acceptance of gifts for purposes which will help the University fulfill its mission. PNWU Board of…Continue Reading Gift Acceptance Policy

(This is a "Page")Fundraising Policy

Responsible Unit: Development | Executive lead: Exec. Dir. Development Created: 2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 5/2020; 1/27/2023 | Effective: 1/27/2023 Compliance: NWCCU 2.E.1, 2.E.2Approving Body: BOT | Classification: Institution-wide  Policy:  All faculty, staff, alumni, and the alumni association must seek approval through the Development Office prior to initiating any fundraising activity.  All fundraising events and activities by student organizations…Continue Reading Fundraising Policy

(This is a "Page")Firearms and Dangerous Weapons on Campus Policy

Responsible Unit: Security | Executive lead: CIO Created: 07/2016 | Reviewed/Revised: 11/2022, 2/2023 | Effective: 3/14/2023 Compliance: Clery Act, NWCCU 2.I.1, COCA 4.2, CAPTE 3E, CAPTE 5C Approving Body: PAC | Classification: Institution-wide  Policy: PNWU is a weapons-free campus including building, grounds, and parking lots. Authorized exceptions include the Campus Security Manager and other security personnel.  Chemical irritants such…Continue Reading Firearms and Dangerous Weapons on Campus Policy

(This is a "Page")Financial Close and Reporting Policy

Responsible Unit: Finance | Executive lead: CFO Created: 1/2008 | Reviewed/Revised: 5/2011; 6/2015/ 1/27/2023, 6/2024 | Effective: 7/2024 Compliance: NWCCU 2.E.1  Approving Body: BOT | Classification: Institution-wide  Policy:     This policy outlines the responsibility of the finance staff to ensure proper recording of financial transactions and to verify the parties responsible for both internal and external reporting.  …Continue Reading Financial Close and Reporting Policy