Experience PNWU Sponsorship

Attendees: Approximately 300

The Experience PNWU Breakfast invites community members to join us for an interactive, one-hour event that aims to inform, inspire and intrigue guests by connecting them to our mission to educate and train health care professionals, emphasizing service among rural and medically underserved communities throughout the Northwest.

At this unique event, guests enjoy presentations from our students and faculty and have a chance to truly experience how PNWU is impacting the Yakima Valley and beyond – all while enjoying great company and a light breakfast.

This annual event, although free to attend, acts as a fundraiser for the University and asks those who are moved after seeing our vision brought to life to consider making a gift in support of our students. This event also invites individuals to join our President’s Circle of Champions by making a five-year commitment of $1000 or more each year.

For the past two years, proceeds from this event have provided vital medical equipment to every student enrolled in the respective incoming classes- propelling them forward on their journey to become Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine for our Northwest communities.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship LevelAmountBenefits
Presenting Sponsor$10,000Speaking opportunity at event
Includes a 1-year sponsorship of Experience PNWU Tours
Table of 10 at the event
Verbal recognition at the event
Logo/name in printed program (priority placement)
Logo recognition on signage at event (priority placement)
Logo placement on reserved tables
Logo on event website
Social media mentions
Logo/name in annual impact report
Platinum Sponsor$5,000Table of 10 at the event
Verbal recognition at the event
Logo in printed program
Logo recognition on signage at event
Logo placement on reserved tables
Logo on event website
Social media mentions
Logo/name in annual impact report
Diamond Sponsor$2,500Table of 10 at event
Verbal recognition at the event
Logo in printed program
Logo recognition on signage at event
Logo on event website
Logo/name in annual impact report
Gold Sponsor$1,000Table of 10 at event
Logo in printed program
Logo on event website
Logo/name in annual impact report

Ways to Give
Planned Giving
Gift of Body
Donor Recognition
Development News
The Care Package
PNWU Scholarships

Development Events

Care, Connect, Forward
Scholarship Celebration

Development Team

Adam Story
Vice President of University Relations

Lesley Kerns
Associate Director of Development Events
and Communications

Lauri Roberson
Associate Director of Development and Advancement Services

Jennifer Hawks- Conright
Director of Development- Major Gifts

Alexa Dodd
Assistant Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving

Jacqueline Diaz
Assistant Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations

Sheila Sahagun
Stewardship and Development Communications Project Manager

Sayexi Martinez
Alumni Services Manager

Natalie Rapp
Administrative Coordinator