Golf Sponsorship

Attendees: Approximately 140

PNWU is dedicated to recruiting our students from rural and underserved areas, providing them with a first-class medical education and, ultimately, returning them to those areas as doctors. This results in a passionate and dedicated student body, but also brings us many students who face a variety of financial challenges of their own.

To drive these initiatives, we host an annual event that not only raises important funds for student aid, but is a lot of fun- the A.T. Still Osteopathic Golf Classic! This year, the classic will be held at Apple Tree Resort and feature a grab-n-go breakfast, 18-holes, great games, raffles and a silent auction, concluded with an award ceremony luncheon- where we recognize some of our amazing sponsors!

Receiving an A.T. Still Osteopathic Medicine Scholarship eases this hardship and allows students to focus on what is most important: becoming a well-trained, compassionate DO with the skills needed to care for the communities that need them most. So, come out and enjoy a day of competition and camaraderie at Apple Tree Resort on Friday, September 11, 2020!

Sponsorship Opportunities

Team Sponsorships

Sponsorship LevelAmountBenefits
Tournament Sponsor
1 Available
$11,500Two 4-player teams
Booth on course
Logo on tournament ball given to each player
Speaking opportunity at luncheon
Large signage on course
Hole signage on course
Luncheon recognition
Logo in printed program
Logo/name on event website
Logo/name in annual impact report
Platinum Sponsor$5,000Two 4-player teams
Large signage on course
Hole signage on course
Luncheon recognition
Logo in printed program
Logo/name on event website
Logo/name in annual impact report
*May substitute one team for a booth at event
Diamond Sponsor$2,500One 4-player team
Large signage on course
Luncheon recognition
Logo/name on event website
Logo/name in annual impact report
Gold Sponsor$1,250One 4-player team
Hole signage on course
Logo/name on event website
Logo/name in annual impact report

Event Sponsorships

Sponsorship LevelAmountBenefits
Lunch Sponsor
1 Available
$3,000One 4-player team
Large signage on course
Luncheon Recognition
Logo/name on event website
Logo/name in annual impact report
Grab-N-Go Breakfast Sponsor
1 Available
$2,500One 4-player team
Large signage on course
Luncheon recognition
Logo/name on event website
Logo/name in annual impact report
Golf Cart Sponsor
1 Available
$2,500One 4-player team
Logo on all cart cards
Luncheon recognition
Logo/name on event website
Logo/name in annual impact report
Hat Sponsor
2 Available
$1,000Logo on tournament hat given to each player
Logo/name on event website
Booth Sponsor$1,000Booth on course – showcase your business on one of our selected holes. Develop a friendly competition for the golfers to participate in! *Add a booth for only $500 if you are a Gold Level Sponsor or higher!

Ways to Give
Planned Giving
Gift of Body
Donor Recognition
Development News
The Care Package
PNWU Scholarships

Development Events

Care, Connect, Forward
Scholarship Celebration

Development Team

Adam Story
Vice President of University Relations

Lesley Kerns
Associate Director of Development Events
and Communications

Lauri Roberson
Associate Director of Development and Advancement Services

Jennifer Hawks- Conright
Director of Development- Major Gifts

Alexa Dodd
Assistant Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving

Jacqueline Diaz
Assistant Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations

Sheila Sahagun
Stewardship and Development Communications Project Manager

Sayexi Martinez
Alumni Services Manager

Natalie Rapp
Administrative Coordinator