Scholarship Celebration Sponsorships

Attendees: Approximately 85

Every year, the individuals, businesses and foundations who have established scholarships at PNWU are invited to campus to meet the students who are benefiting from their generosity at our annual Scholarship Luncheon.

The luncheon brings together scholarship recipients with donors, giving them the chance to meet each other, and provides students with the opportunity to personally thank many of the people who made their scholarships possible.

Donors get to see firsthand, the kind of impact they’ve had in the lives of students, and the students have the chance to explain how critical the scholarships have been in their educational pursuits over a meal and casual conversation.

Over $113,000 in scholarship support was awarded to our students this academic year. These scholarships help our students in life-changing ways as they navigate through the stresses of medical school and on to residency.

As a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to be a part of this great event and see the direct impact our donors and students have on the community, and each other.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship LevelAmountBenefits
Presenting Sponsor$5,000Table of 8 at the event
Verbal recognition at the event
Speaking opportunity at the event
Logo and bio in printed program (priority placement)
Logo recognition on signage at event (priority placement)
Logo placement on reserved tables
Logo on event website
Social media mentions
Logo/name in annual impact report
Platinum Sponsor$2,500Logo recognition on signage at event
Logo in printed program
Logo placement on reserved tables
Logo on event website
Social media mentions
Logo/name in annual impact report
Diamond Sponsor$1,000Logo in printed program
Logo on event website
Social media mentions
Logo/name in annual impact report
Gold Sponsor$500Logo in printed program
Logo on event website
Logo/name in annual impact report

Ways to Give
Planned Giving
Gift of Body
Donor Recognition
Development News
The Care Package
PNWU Scholarships

Development Events

Care, Connect, Forward
Scholarship Celebration

Development Team

Adam Story
Vice President of University Relations

Lesley Kerns
Associate Director of Development Events
and Communications

Lauri Roberson
Associate Director of Development and Advancement Services

Jennifer Hawks- Conright
Director of Development- Major Gifts

Alexa Dodd
Assistant Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving

Jacqueline Diaz
Assistant Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations

Sheila Sahagun
Stewardship and Development Communications Project Manager

Sayexi Martinez
Alumni Services Manager

Natalie Rapp
Administrative Coordinator