FAQs: Human Research Protection and the IRB

General Topics
What is an Institutional Review Board (IRB)?

The IRB is an autonomous administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate in research activities.

What is a human subject?

A human subject is defined by Federal Regulations as “a living individual about whom an investigator conducting research obtains (1) data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or (2) identifiable private information.” (45 CFR 46.102(f)(1),(2)) ​

Who can be the PI at PNWU?

Faculty or staff members qualified by experience and or training may serve as principal investigators. Students may serve as a student PI on student initiated studies but will still be required to have a faculty member serve as PI. Students must also be in good academic standing to participate in scholarly activity..​

What is the definition of research?

Federal regulations define research as “a systematic investigation, including development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge”. (45 cfr 46.102(d))

What is exempt research?

Exempt research are studies with human subjects that present no more than minimal risk to subjects and fit into one or more of the exempt categories of research described in the regulations at 45 cfr 46.104. Note: exempt research still undergoes a review process to determine whether exemption applies. The review process must be completed through the electronic IRB management system.

What is expedited research?

Expedited research are studies with human subjects that present no more than minimal risk to subjects and fit into one or more of the expedited categories of research described in the Federal Regulations at 45 cfr 46.110 ​

When can I request a waiver of documentation of consent?

A waiver of documentation of consent may be requested when the following are true 1) the research involves no more than minimal risk 2) the waiver of informed consent will not adversely affect the rights and welfare of the subjects; and 3) it is not practicable to conduct the research without the waiver; 4) whenever appropriate, the subjects will be provided with additional pertinent information after participation. (45 cfr 46.116(c)) ​

The Application Process 
How do I submit an application to the IRB?

IRB applications are submitted via PNWU’s electronic submission and tracking software. See the IRB Submission System – Mentor IRB page for instructions on getting started.

Who can help me with my application?

You may request assistance with your application by emailing the IRB Administrator at irb@pnwu.edu.

Training Related Topics
What are the IRB requirements for training?

PNWU requires completion of an appropriate level of Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative Training (CITI) in human research protections. The level of training will depend on the type of research that will be conducted. Most training is valid for four years from the date of certification and must remain current throughout the period of the study.  Note: Investigators with certain types of funding have additional training requirements. These could include financial conflict of interest training, responsible conduct of research training that includes at least 8 hours of face-to-face training, and Good Clinical Practice training if the study is a qualifying clinical trial as defined by NIH.​

See the Required Research Trainings page for instructions.

Who is required to complete human research protections training?

All members of the study team who will interact with study participants or have access to identifiable data or coded data that can be re-identified need to complete training in human research protections. ​

Lifecycle of the Project
Do I need to let the IRB know when my study is finished?

Principal Investigators are required to keep the IRB informed about their research. This includes submission of a study closure request when the study is completed.

When should I close my study?

Studies should closed when one of the following are true: ​

  • All research/clinical investigation activities, including data analysis and reporting are complete ​
  • The Principal Investigator never initiated the study ​
  • The Principal Investigator plans to leave the University and intends to continue the research at another institution ​
When can’t I close my study?

Studies cannot be closed if one of the following are still occurring: ​

  • Subjects are still being followed up with ​
  • Identifiable data (including data with codes or links to identifiers) are still being analyzed
Do I need to obtain continued approval (renewal) for my study?

Studies that undergo a Full Board Review are required to submit continuing review. Studies that undergo Expedited Review may or may not be required to submit continuing review. Expedited studies that are not required to submit continuing review, and Exempt studies will be required to submit an Annual Check in form to the IRB.

Do I need to tell the IRB about changes I make to my study?

Principal Investigators are required to keep the IRB informed about their research.  This includes any changes made to the research regardless of the review level (Full Board, Expedited, or Exempt) ​

About Human Research Protection and the IRB
Policies and Procedures
Guidance and Education
Required Research Trainings – CITI
IRB Review Process
IRB Submission System – Mentor IRB
Investigator Toolbox – Forms and Templates
Frequently Asked Questions

Research at PNWU Home

Contact Information

Institutional Review Board
PNWU Office of Scholarly Activity
111 University Parkway, Suite 203
Yakima, WA 98901

Jeremy Simmons, MS
Administrator, Institutional Review Board

Kaelin Young, PhD
Chair, Institutional Review Board